Another first cycle question


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New to the forum.

Im getting ready to start my first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions about.

I am 33, 185lbs, 5'11" and have been lifting for about 7 years. I am starting my 8 week cycle of test C and Dbol.

Week 1-8 test C 300 (twice a week) 250mg mon & thurs
Week 1-4 Dbol 25mg morning / 25 mg afternoon/pre-workout
Week 3-6 HCG 500ui every 4 days
Week 10-14 Nolva 40mg daily

I am hoping to gain about 15-25lbs

My questions are-
Should I be taking an AI? Armidex throughout my cycle or part of it?
Dumb question, What type of injection for the HCG?
Are my dosages and timeline good?
New to the forum.

Im getting ready to start my first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions about.

I am 33, 185lbs, 5'11" and have been lifting for about 7 years. I am starting my 8 week cycle of test C and Dbol.

Week 1-8 test C 300 (twice a week) 250mg mon & thurs
Week 1-4 Dbol 25mg morning / 25 mg afternoon/pre-workout
Week 3-6 HCG 500ui every 4 days
Week 10-14 Nolva 40mg daily

I am hoping to gain about 15-25lbs

My questions are-
Should I be taking an AI? Armidex throughout my cycle or part of it?
Dumb question, What type of injection for the HCG?
Are my dosages and timeline good?

Your hCG timeline is all hosed up.

You will need an AI most likely - especially if you run dbol.

I wouldn't recommend dbol your first cycle. Just stick to test the first time.

Your cycle is too short.

Your PCT is incomplete.

What about blood work?

What's your current body fat %

15-25 pounds is unrealistic unless you don't mind putting on a lot of fat too.

hCG can be injected subq or IM.
Megatron's feedback is spot on, you should research each of those points and fix up your plan.

My feedback is yes you need an AI. You are using a long ester of test, so the first four weeks it will be mainly the dbol your body will be seeing, so somewhere in the 350 mg/day aromatizing load in the first week climbing up in the next few weeks to maybe 600-ish. After week 5 no more dbol but test will be coming on line up to 500 mg/wk by week 8 or so. You could think about a low dose of adex like 0.25mg eod to start, and bloodwork at week 8 could help you fine tune up or down. Continue AI after last pin into the gap, stop before PCT.

The dbol might give you some pretty quick gains of mostly water in weeks 1-4. The test won't really kick in until week 7 or so, then you stop. I think you'd see better results if you ran the test out to 12 or 14 weeks, that would give that water weight time to recomp into muscle you could keep. If you cut too soon you'll lose much of the gains.

HCG at 500 iu E5D is a good plan, but start in week #1 and run up through end of cycle and couple weeks past last pin in the gap between cycle and PCT.

For PCT figure out how long to wait post last pin, for 500 mg/wk cyp 3 or 4 weeks. And use both clomid and nolva.
Welcome in bud :wavey:

Fantastic feed back from or vets here. Just so spot on and quite conclusive for immediate info

I also don't like 8 week cycles. Why

Well as simple as meg said not enough time.

So the biggest message here to you is STOP for now and get son education about the safe use of AAS.
What an AI is and why. AND gyno is not the only reason for AI. No need at all for Dbol unless you like puffy checks
a dough boy look.

Hold off read up get a better handle of what you are getting into and you could answer these Q's on your own. V
We all started somewhere and here you are. Please read more
Op if you have not started yet... Hold off and think about the fact "you need more knowledge" in a few days you could catch on to some more n better info