Another starting my first cycle thread

2 weeks down so far and everything is going great, up about 10lbs and really good pumps during the workout. i can tell i'm holding alot ofwater and prob due to the dbol. abs are starting to disappear but can deffently see some size in my chest and shoulders.

i've been thinking of throwing in a cardio day during the week to help with this excess water..any input would be helpful
heres a little comparision at where i'm at starting my 3rd week.
pic on the left is about week or so before i starter my cycle and the other is start of week 3. can def notice a differnce in how wide i'm getting and really in my shoulders.
went GP on everything, dont like mixing products to much..but only heard good things about them
GP is some good stuff buf
heres a little comparision at where i'm at starting my 3rd week.
pic on the left is about week or so before i starter my cycle and the other is start of week 3. can def notice a differnce in how wide i'm getting and really in my shoulders.

I can def see a sdifference. Looks like your making great progress
almost finished with my 4th week and fixing to get off the d-bol, hopefully the test will be kicked in full force in the next week or so. Right now i'm up 16lbs and deffently tell a size difference in my upper body and in my legs. But what is starting to get to me is my mid section. I guess i'm holding alot of water there and have lost my abs almost completely. Right now i'm working out 3 days a week and its been doing good for size and strength gains. I'm prob gonna add 1 day of HIT cardio to help get this water off of me. is this a good idea?
The water will come off with time. I hope you're running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Some water is good on the joints as it will make you stronger. Just eat big to get big.
The water will come off with time. I hope you're running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Some water is good on the joints as it will make you stronger. Just eat big to get big.

yeah i'm running a Aromatase inhibitor (AI), takn arimidex .5mg ed. I'm deffently eatting big, the ol lady's deffently putting in OT in the kitchen lately
slacked off this week due to bad cold and been feeling like shit. Got in 2 good workouts this week but thats it. My calorie intake sucked this week due to feeling bad and didnt feel like eatting like a horse. Gonna get back at it hard tomorrow though since i'm feeling like 1000x better.
Finished up on d-bol 40mg for 4 weeks, picked up some good gains off of it but alot of water, specially in my midsection. hopegully that starts to come off withing the next few weeks though.
great progress so far i think, up around 18lbs, chest size has increased 2 1/2", arms up almost 1 1/2", and waist had went from a 32" to a 35''...will have to slim that back down after this cycle for sure
8 weeks in, everything is going great. Up 24lbs, sexdrive through the roof, engery has tons of it, sleep like a baby. only sides so far is i had a lil acne show up on my shoulders but went away in a day or two. 6 weeks still to go
Lookin good.. Cycle and results. Looks outstanding for your first cycle. Finally someone did their homework... My first cycle I gained about 30lbs off test cyp only and could punch holes in center blocks with an erection! Good stuff....
lol, yeah girlfriend is loving the extremely high sex drive. I wear her ass out then still got some left....didn't think these little nuts could carry so much
Please help

hi everyone , im 16 years old 155 pretty skinny and ive been thinking of taking dianabol 25mg pills , im not going to take anti estragens , im scared of gettin bitch tits tho , is there a good chance i will get them ?
hi everyone , im 16 years old 155 pretty skinny and ive been thinking of taking dianabol 25mg pills , im not going to take anti estragens , im scared of gettin bitch tits tho , is there a good chance i will get them ?

and why did you post this stupid question on my thread again?
my first cycle turned out pretty decent, lost some of my gains when i came off due to not eatting enough to maintain the size i had put on. the biggest i got on cycle was 178lbs. Currently i'm 169lbs so thats pretty good for a first cycle. had a rough time during post cycle therapy (pct) as i was tired and was hard to get motivated to work out. I end up getting a small gyno lump in behind my left nipple about the size of a bb at the end of my cycle and all i had for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) was anastrozole which i was taking .5 mg ed. So i'm going to get some letro for my next cycle since i know i am gyno prone and hopfully it will get rid of this small lump in the process. Also experienced the worst ance ever on my back during post cycle therapy (pct). Its been almost 2months since i finished post cycle therapy (pct) and its just now starting to clear up.
For whats its worth i feel like i had success with my first cycle as i kept about 10 solid pounds. next cycle i'm gonna have a better diet since thats where my biggest downfall was at because i couldnt eat enough to maintain. Next cycle i'm probably gonna do 500mg test and 400mg of eq for 14 weeks. still up in the air with the eq though, torn between deca and eq at the moment since i dont want the bloat deca gives. Any advice would be greatly appreciated on that.
Looks like you had a good cycle might want to look into hcg next time ..thanks for the log I will be doing gp soon so makes me feel better knowing it worked for you!
2nd cycle is on the way. doing 600mg/wk test e for 12 weeks from out favorite uncle and giving beastdrol 40mg/ed for 4 weeks a try. using nolva and clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) and also have arimidex and letro if needed. Got letro because i had gyno come up at the end of my last cycle but letro knocked it out. i have a better understanding of aas now and how important diet is so i'm gonna try and get some real good gains this go
ima newb with some questions far or close can your cycles be and wats pct


generaly speekings Cycles meen time on ass and an equal time off!

PCT is post cycle theropy! IE what you should be taking to get your body natural functions back up to speed again. I recommend U spend alot of time researching thing before you get started. There is alot of experience on this sight take ful advantage of that before you do any thing. for your own sake