Answer to question: Best Protein to pack on muscle!


New member
I've seen this question asked a few times:
"what is the best protein for packing on muscle"

Well, here is the answer!!



This here is fresh, just butchered venison and the venison in our area is said to have the highest protein value due to what the deer here eat. This will be the majority of my protein intake for many many months now :)
Venison is a great protein source for those that like the taste of the meat. I can eat deer jerky as well as sausage and burger. Eating a roast or a deer steak is impossible for me as I can't get past the flavor.

Bison is just as lean with more CLA and tastes great!
The taiste of the roast and steak is greatly effected by what area the deer is from. Ones a little further East of me have a "swampy" taste that I don't care for. Our deer are all corn and soybean fed which really helps.

Too bad u were't near by Zeek, I'd cook you a steak and you'd love it ;)
Oh I see, your deer are feeding off the farmers goodies! that would make a big difference in taste.

Any plans to make some Jerky out of it? :)
Yes, we make jerky because it makes a great, convenient snack. Another thing that determines how the meat tastes is how it is taken care of before butchering. We have our own walk in fridge where we hang it (cooled) for 4 days. Then the butchering and everything is all done by us as well. Completely deboned and very little fat with our meat.
Yes, we make jerky because it makes a great, convenient snack. Another thing that determines how the meat tastes is how it is taken care of before butchering. We have our own walk in fridge where we hang it (cooled) for 4 days. Then the butchering and everything is all done by us as well. Completely deboned and very little fat with our meat.

That is an awesome set up!

Question, does a doe taste better than a buck?
That is an awesome set up!

Question, does a doe taste better than a buck?

Absolutely. Although a young buck can be quite taisty as well. The older ones, although still taiste good, can be a bit chewy. What a lot of people do is, try to get a doe and have it all made into pepperettes and sausage.

In the pics, the stuff you see in the white container, is waiting to be ground into hamburg. You want an awesome hamburger?? My wife's venison burgers are to die for