Any of you guys have resources on AAS you can share?


New member
So, I'm writing a paper for my physiology class on how exogenous testosterone supplementation effects normal production -- basically how it shuts you down.

The second part is then exactly how PCT drugs can help you recover from a shutdown so your body can resume it's natural production.

I'm trying to find some scientific articles explaining exactly this so I was hoping some of you could help a brotha out here. Thanks guys
This is problematic within the medical community. Most scientists don't do studies on what is considered to be abuse of prescription drugs. The best you could hope to find is a meta-analysis of older work...some of which may be international studies. The good news is if you find a meta-analysis, you hit paper writing gold.
If you google steroids 90% of what comes up is all about steroid abuse and how they are bad for you. Sorry to say you picked a really hard subject to write a paper on.

Yes there is plenty of sites that explain how everything works if that's what you're looking for.
Lol it sounds like you are asking where to get steroids when I read the tittle of your thread... I would start looking into Testosterone Replacement articles. I think that will be your best bet. Because basically that entire industry is about the questions you asked.
If you find some clinical trial or observation trial abstracts and want the full text just let me know and I'll look them up in my database and send them your way.