Any reason NOT to take peptides?


New member
Hey, i'm 20, and thinking about using CJC-1293 & GHRP-6. It's my understanding that they don't have any major side effects. Are there any good reasons not to take them?
males are not finished development till around age 24-25 ( not talking just height) the pep stack might not be as bad for development as straight aas but i still strongly rec against using ANYTHING hormonally before this time.
after that, they are very safe and if used properly also very effective.

whats your stats?
Yeh agree with ^^ your 20 still have plenty of natural gh and natural test I just turned 27 and only now gettin into a cjc/ghrp cycle.. But I'd say I am yet to regret starting the cjc/ghrp its good stuff.
i'm 5 foot 7 , 12% bodyfat, and 163 pounds, also I already did an MK-2866 cycle (could that have significantly fucked with my development?).
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