Tren Ace 300 mg/week and Tren E 200 mg/week was too much for me


New member
I first tried Tren Ace a while ago. to test it out

I injected 300mg a week, but after only one week, I gave up. the side effects were too much for me

then when the Tren Ace left my body, I wanted to try Tren E 200 mg/week. because I only had to inject 1x a week instead of 3x. I also thought 200mg would not have any side effects like 300 mg

but even Tren E 200 mg/week was too much for me. the side effects aren't as severe as on Tren Ace, but still. I can feel them

does this mean I am very weak or is my Tren very potent?

I keep reading of people saying they take 600+ mg/week of Tren. how is that possible?
Some people dont react good to certain compounds and others do- tren is the strongest steroid available so its not uncommon to get sides from it

Some people also may over hype symptoms
Not sure what people actually mean with the kick in period. I use E and I get night sweats immediately. They last the whole cycle and continue for over a month after I'm some degree. Tren A will certainly leave you faster but can still take a while to clear the system. I would recommend A if you want to be able to bail out a little faster but find no issue with E if you're willing to ride out the sides. For me....the night sweats are awful and begin immediately. The psychological effects are different every cycle but I manage. The cardio issues are awful and can hinder progress sometimes. Everyone is a little different. Curious what others experiences are. I know the thread is old but I haven't been on in a while and was hoping to hear some feedback.