Any suggestions on a fat burner for women?


New member
Can anyone recommend a fat burner for a female..she not obese she just on the thicker side and need a little extra help along with working out.?
i was suggested "GET FN RIPPED SRX" anyone have any reviews on that? And CSYFIT she eats alot her main problem.
Tell her 4-5 small meals a day is the best thing. If she eats a lot then a fat burner won't do much for her. Dieting is hard to do but if you want to lose weight it's the single most important thing.
i always thought a fat burner is really when your just tryin to get that last boost to loose those few last lbs.
Tell her 4-5 small meals a day is the best thing. If she eats a lot then a fat burner won't do much for her. Dieting is hard to do but if you want to lose weight it's the single most important thing.

+1 Diet is key!!!!!!!!!
Supp. just aids the process. They arent miracle drugs.

However, Im glad someone else posted this, because my girlfriend is asking me the same thing, lol
really she just needs to tone up and wants some supp. to help. She is already thin.
I suggested Redline.............. she opted for the Acia berry stuff with green tea extract.

Is Redline Safe for women?
Safe I guess, good for us. probably And is she buying that monavie stuff? If so tell her to not waste her money. It's all just hyped up because it's the new super berry. You get more antioxidents from blueberries or a cup of black coffee then that syuff. Plus it's expensive as hell.
I know I told her the same, the guy at the vitamin store told her the same thing, but what do you do...... lol No I told her from the get go the monavie shit was a pyramid scam. She is taking some pill she got at vitaminshop.

nothings good for us now a days, and water causes cancer..... lol.
What fat burner should I use?

I am 21 years old about 5 7 and weigh 130 I know I am not fat or anything..but I just always go to the gym and never see any real results. Losing 5 lbs wouldnt hurt and I am looking for something that will help with definition. Also I always seem to be hungry so an appetite depressant would hurt either. So basically does anyone know of something to take that helps with energy, a fat burner, and an appetite depressant just don't feel that pump anymore! Please help!
ECA stack, it works better than any other OTC fat burner I have ever used, diet and workout must be good obviously though to get good results.