Anybody experience this?


New member
Am starting Wk 4 of my cycle, and since the 2nd wk I have had trouble sleeping. I am so damn wound up I can not sleep more than about 3-4 hrs a night.(not good for growth) Energy level is thru the roof. Workouts are going very well, intense energy and concentration. Strength gains this wk were amazing, have to watch myself so as to avoid injury (90# dumbells feel like 50's) I am in high gear all day long in the Gym and at work. I may have to start looking for something to help me sleep, because I know that a lack of sleep will be detrimental to my gains. Have no caffeine or ephedra in my diet. Am thinking that at age 46 my body has not seen this level of test in the system for quite a few years, so maybe that has something to do with it. I feel as though I were in my 20's again,(sex drive is insane, wont' be needing my viagra for the next few wks, the G/F loves it, don't have to wait around for 45 min for viagra to kick in, cuz the damn thing never seems to go down!!) mental awareness is awsome too!!!. I feel better than I have in 25 yrs, but realize that my body cannot endure this for long. I suppose this question will be hard to answer by anyone that has not started a first cycle in their mid 40's. but will glady listen any hypothesis.
enan--- Wk 1-10 ------ 250mg/ 2x wk
eq----- Wk 1-10---- 200mg/ 2x wk
prop--- Wk 1-4 - ---- 100mg/ 3x wk
Stats:age 46
Wt-----169 lbs
Ht----- 5'6"
I did my first cycle when I was 28 yrs old(sustanon/deca).I had the same problem.It lasted for about 3-4 weeks and eventually my body got use to it,I have never had many problems sleeping since then.
Well i cant say im that old...but i also notice myself having trouble sleeping at night when im on...not sure why though
I'm 46 too, and just recently finished my second cycle. I started having bad sleep problems about five weeks into this cycle. For about a week I had major night sweats, I'd wake up drenched. Then when the sweats stopped, I started having trouble falling asleep, and when I did sleep, I woke up every couple of hours. That lasted for pretty much the duration of my cycle, and only in the past couple of weeks have my sleep patterns really normalized. Melatonin, even large doses, didn't help.

I also experienced the increased mental sharpness too.


have always had trouble sleeping, even when off. Some like melatonin, though others see no effects. Might want to consider L-Trypto, can still get it online. Also, have heard good things about Deep Sleep by Herbs Ect, will be trying it this next go 'round, cuz middle of the night sucks.

a lot of people say dbol hurts their sleep , if tren or anything else gives you the sweats that would affect you also