Anyone Have Personal Experience With a CLOMID RESTART

That EF stuff is also promoted on evo but last I checked Dylan isn't affiliated with either of them anymore and has another board - same shit different place.

And seriously...who the hell uses EF anymore? 2002 is long gone man :)
I need some solid advice guys, what do you think about dylan gemelli and the elite fitness website, because i think they are full of crap. They promote things like:
-POST cycle
-forma stanzol
-sustain alpha
and shit like that...does this even work? cause i smell they just wanna make money out of some garbage herbs

SERM or TRT, those are your only choices (unless there's an underlying cause that's correctable like sleep apnea).

Edit: Forgot HCG and AI monotherapies; I'm just not a fan of those as the results are often not permanent - and carries side effects like everything else.
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If we take a look what restart does to you:
-hcg: makes your balls bigger but supresses LH
-SERM: makes your balls bigger and temporarily stimulates LH
So in the end you probably end up with big balls and low LH(if you had it low before). Can that have any benefit? Your balls will probably shrink back to normal, since your LH is low.
What i am basing my assumptions on is that every drug will lose its effect when it leaves the body, because the natural homeostasys will take place.
But i heard IMT has great success with restarts so i dont know...but they recommend that protocol...first hcg and then serms, AI if needed..
most people dose clomid way too high. I can get 860 from 25mg every 7 days. So you get the estrogen sides because you have high e2 from the aromatization and then all the estrogen in the clomid gives you a bunch of sides. Always get a sleep study. I didn't know I had sleep apnea until 29 yo and I wasn't fat