Anyone here ring in the new year yet?


Olympian Bodybuilder
Just wondering if anyone is here from China , slovakia or any country that has celebrated yet.

I hope for all on this board to be healthy and prosperous in the new year to come. Also to remain teachable students here at ology.


Peace Oz
its 2:24am here, so yeah :)
Im just back from a party with a girl kinda drunk, she's showering... good! :)
lol good man go get some....but no im going to bed....yeah it sucks that im not out at all but oh well triaining comes first... hangovers kill
I gave up drinking years ago. I break out from drinking........ I break out in hand cuffs.
little fucking kids started banging on pots and shit and are still at it . waiting for my girl to get off work. will maybe have a couple drinks but i wanna squat heavy tomorrow so i need to take it easy.