Anyone lose hair while on EQ?

I haved used EQ for a long time and have never had a problem with hairloss, but remember everyone is different when it comes to side effects.
it definately has the potential to casue hairloss, but your genetic predisposition is what will determine how it effects you. if your worried get some nizoral and use that. its topical dht blocker.
These guys are correct, it's more about your genetics than it is about any particular steroid. If I do OK on test, I'll almost assuredly be fine on EQ.
No no I know it has to do with my genetics. I was wondering if anyone who was prone to hairloss lose any hair on EQ? any replies greatly appreciated.
Ok guys check this out, last summer I did a deca/EQ cycle But i stopped the deca at week 6 and continued the EQ up to week 12. Noticed no hairloss what so ever. but i also did not get vascular..It was ttokkyo Eq. Also do you gujys know if the hairloss sides come at once? or does it kick in after 5 weeks when the drug kicks in.????
whats up new at this so please dont blast me right off. :)

I'm starting a cycle of Supertest 250 ...newly acquired, and im thinking of stacking some old EQ i have had for a while. Is this a good combo ??
Also, my EQ is a few years out of 1999. Does it go bad and is it safe to take ....NEED HELP!

MY Stats:

6'1" 220lbs

Been lifting since i was 16yrs old...32 now

Heavy user until age 25...just now returning.
( Fat %age = A little on the heavy side!

Oldie but a Goodie:D :D