Anyone on this forum based in uk?

Anyone here based in the uk?

How you doing Roid rage ?
Well I'm from uk in Hertfordshire, but I find that if any info or advice is needed this is the place to be as our american neighbours are very knowledgeable about training and use of steroids.

Good luck pal if u need any advice just ask pal.
Yeah I don't don't that away from them...there's excellent people on here. Very knowledgeable and take time to advise. I was just wondering if anyone was local. Nothing beats first hand advice.
Yeah I don't don't that away from them...there's excellent people on here. Very knowledgeable and take time to advise. I was just wondering if anyone was local. Nothing beats first hand advice.

Yeah I get what your saying. So what's your plan regarding cycle etc ?
Maybe I can help.
I don't know it all but been on and steroids for about 4yrs now so might be able to help with some things pal.
Well its not really the cycle I'm having issues with its my diet lol. My cycle starts today as it goes. I'm running prop 150 eod. I'm not sure how long I will run it. Depends when I book my holiday but the last 8 weeks I'm gonna throw some var and mast into the mix. I pinned 150 yesterday. I can't move my leg today, never had a single issue with 100.
There is a diet coach on here named 3J. He helps guys all over the world. If you can't find a local one you should check him out.

Is your Prop concentrated at 150mg/ml or are you saying you are running 150mg EOD and it is dosed at 100mg/ml?
Thanks megatron. I've heard awesome things about 3j. I've posted my diet and sent him a message so hopefully he can help me. Yeah it's 100mg/ml. So 150mg eod. Literally my quad feels like a dead leg.