Anyone tried a cyclo-test base?


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issue #9

The neat thing about this would be to be able to do sub-q injects with TB. I would be very interested in this for pre-workout, or maybe even make a whole cycle out of it. Let me know what you guys think....

(please leave off the "just do enth, less injects are better"

Part of this is an experiment for a tested athlete, and part is for me...

there is so little blood circulating sub-q...Im just buying into the cyclo idea. If it works like they say it sounds great. Do I believe everything I read, well do I even have to answer that one?

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There was a long discussion about this on one thread, might have to search it.
Heres what I wrote a while back...
The idea of volumous subq injections, everyday for long periods of time is RIDICULOUS. I just dont understand how anyone could argue that shooting subq is superior to IM. If it aint broke, dont fix it. In my opinion it is a method of more. I want to get the stuff in me and grow. You can get nasty infections subq, you can get lumps and scar tissue, just like IM.

Lets face it, if I wanted to do a 12 weeks cycle of 1g of test, thats almost 3cc of subq injections, everyday for 12 weeks. Or you could shoot long ester test once or twice a week and be done with it. 100% absorption and all. I dont see what there is to debate. And if the debate is over wanting very fast acting gear, shooting esterless gear or even dissolving and shooting methylated gear is quicker absorbed IM than subq.
yeah ive been looking into acquiring some cyclodexterin, but the shit is friggin expensive and can only be bought by the thats a hella lotta cyclo
DougoeFre5h said:
kilo...woah bro thats a LOT of powder!

phreak you're constantly catchin me when Im away I aint avoidin you never here!

haha no worries bro...i know ya love me! :blue:
oh by the cannot use Cyclodexerin that has must buy the endotoxin-free cyclodexterin....thats why the shits so expensive as well.....

Granted you can get cyclo places cheap and small ammts, like 1fast400 i believe, but those have the endo's in em.....which means it cannot be used for injecting. I believe that the only way cyclodexerin with endo's in em can be used is nasally....i gonna read more into it, and perhaps i can take my steroids nasally lmao.

And Endotoxins cannot be removed through filtering, or any processes we normally do in the house.

this sucks :(
i have always suspected that endos are the cause of andr flu. endos are pyrogens. by definaition pyrogen means "producing a fever". they also cause irritation at inject sites.

endos are found in the membrane walls of gram negative bacteria. they normally remain there until the bacteria is destroyed or broken down. this is why filtering before heating is important. baking before filtering kills some bacteria and releases endos. endos are too small to be captured by .45 and .2 filters.

peroxide and superoxide destroy endos. also heat kills some as well even at 270f. so here's another reason to bake the home goodies at 275f for 1 full hour, after filtering of course. typically autoclaves are used but dry heat works to some extent.

btw BA has zero effect on gram negative bacteria. so much for the ba experts who say it sterilizes gear.
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I finally now understand your lingo peebie!!! im takin microbio right now and im a jeenious...

i wonder how well the outcome would be if we reacted cyclodexerin with an oxide blend along with autoclaving?
the auto claving would be overkill in that respect. but what the heck 3.5 minutes at 133c. just a superoxide rinse. extract powder after it dries. brew and then autoclave.
nice.....ill have to do some experimenting...

so would you go about reacting the cyclodex with lets say Test base, to get the test molecule into the pocket of the cyclodexerin sphere?
never messed with cyclodex. sounds like bs to me. why would anyone want to inject that much gear sub q. talk about being bruised up. and if you gotta pass a drug test best thing to do is not to use.
no, im just intruiged how this stuff actually works. ITs a hot selling product up here in canada, and im just interested how it would work to be made..thats all....:D
pullinbig said:
i have always suspected that endos are the cause of andr flu. endos are pyrogens. by definaition pyrogen means "producing a fever". they also cause irritation at inject sites.

endos are found in the membrane walls of gram negative bacteria. they normally remain there until the bacteria is destroyed or broken down. this is why filtering before heating is important. baking before filtering kills some bacteria and releases endos. endos are too small to be captured by .45 and .2 filters.

peroxide and superoxide destroy endos. also heat kills some as well even at 270f. so here's another reason to bake the home goodies at 275f for 1 full hour, after filtering of course. typically autoclaves are used but dry heat works to some extent.

btw BA has zero effect on gram negative bacteria. so much for the ba experts who say it sterilizes gear.

this is probably one of the better posts ive read in years.

Also, why is a full hour better than say, half or even 20 minutes? I was/am under the impression that denaturing occurs at that temp no matter how long the duration?
Derek_D said:
bumping to learn...


id have to dig the studies up but i read it in several studies. thats just how long it takes to kill the bacteria in short. plus i worked in the pharm business for several years and picked up a couple of things along the way. I am not a chemist or a biologist. just well read back in the day. i finally got tired of reading all that stuff as you can find too much conflicting data. i just know that worked for me for several years before i closed up shop.

but if yu feel like reading a bunch of conflicting data google will lead the way. =0)

as far as denaturing i guess you referring to the hormone? heat doesnt damge the hormones until youy get to a very high temp. well above the 275f recommended for heat sterization. hell many hormones require more heat than that to melt them. Winstrol (winny) is 450f. i baked my gear for years and never noticed any difference in potency between that and gear that has been filtered only.

beleive it or not years ago for tren home brew it was 5% ba and 15% bb, add pellets, let dissolve over low heat, add sterile oil, shake vigourously, let settle over low heat and draw and shoot. the fillers stick to the bottom when heat is used. no filtering, no baking and liquid gold. would i do it again? no but thats where it got started. i read a study on that procedure and it went on to explain that this method worked well for a safe final solution. i cant rember all the specifics but that was the bottom line. =0) anyway go figure no one got an infection.
Governor said:
well, for the guy that is not on 5 grams a week :nerd: , it really isnt that many injects.

1g/w was mentioned. even at 100mg/ml thats 10ml of sub q injects per week. and i have my doubts about test base with this stuff added beng comfy at 100mg/ml. just depends on what potency it will work at as to how many injects and what volume you gonna have to do. but you know what thats why they make long ester gear. i can make test enan at 500mg/ml and do 2ml per week to get a g of test in me. and over the long hual it builds up higher blood levels too.

i know the point was using NE gear for testing purposes so ill let the long ester thing go.

course i see your point. i was doing gh at 10iu/d for long stretches sub q. but id make them up at .5ml each. still they got sore sometimes. but that didnt bother me cause i knew it was working. =0)