Anyone tried a cyclo-test base?

Wow... great info PB. I was actually just bumping so I can get notified any responses were made to this thread... not really asking for anything in particular, but thanks a lot for your response... definitely very helpful!


pullinbig said:
id have to dig the studies up but i read it in several studies. thats just how long it takes to kill the bacteria in short. plus i worked in the pharm business for several years and picked up a couple of things along the way. I am not a chemist or a biologist. just well read back in the day. i finally got tired of reading all that stuff as you can find too much conflicting data. i just know that worked for me for several years before i closed up shop.

but if yu feel like reading a bunch of conflicting data google will lead the way. =0)

as far as denaturing i guess you referring to the hormone? heat doesnt damge the hormones until youy get to a very high temp. well above the 275f recommended for heat sterization. hell many hormones require more heat than that to melt them. Winstrol (winny) is 450f. i baked my gear for years and never noticed any difference in potency between that and gear that has been filtered only.

beleive it or not years ago for tren home brew it was 5% ba and 15% bb, add pellets, let dissolve over low heat, add sterile oil, shake vigourously, let settle over low heat and draw and shoot. the fillers stick to the bottom when heat is used. no filtering, no baking and liquid gold. would i do it again? no but thats where it got started. i read a study on that procedure and it went on to explain that this method worked well for a safe final solution. i cant rember all the specifics but that was the bottom line. =0) anyway go figure no one got an infection.