Anyone using BCAA with good results?

Your protein certainly already contains the BCAAs.

BCAA powders are the most essential amino acids to prevent catabolism (or promote anabolism I guess). worthwhile if you're training fasted, but if your diet allows you to have a protein shake then I think it's a huge waste of money.

*this is my understanding of the situation, I'm no nutritionist.
BCAA`s are essential amino acids that helps protein synthesis helps on recovery and a little extra push while working out. I prefer to use my BCAA`s before or during a workout, this way I can tell it works better than after workouts for me. I can go longer on heavier sets etc.

True most proteins shakes already include bcaas, but how much??? Also combine with Glutamine as well is a great combo to add to your supplements stack!!!!
Yes protein shakes contain BCAAs, but it is my understanding that they aren't nearly as bioavailable as a good qquality BCAA supplement. I would recommend mixing up 1 serving in 20oz of water or even juice or gatorade for some extra carbs, and sip on it before,during and after your workout.
I make use of the BCAA power chews from N2BM, there little sweets that you can munch anytime you like. They taste lush and are far more convenient than mixing drinks and the like !
BCAAs really shine if you're dieting down....but they can still be beneficial even if you not. You want a BCAA that is high in that acts as the anabolic signal in your body (tells you body to build muscle).

Will also help with endurance and recovery

I train fasted every morning and I also do normally I don't have my first meal until noon. I end up using about 40g BCAAs between 5am-Noon
BCAAs can help protect your muscles against the catabolic effects of dieting. I think BCAAs are especially helpful for maintaining muscle mass while on a calorie-deficit diet.
I always supplement with BCAA's. Like Pikki I like mine before a workout, but I also take some after as well. In addition I take an ammino acid pill in the morning with my vitamins.
BCAAs supplements minimize the cortisol response that comes from the stress of exercise. Also intake of BCAAs in diet will lower rates of obesity, lower body weight, and better body composition.