Anyone with Melanotan One experience


New member
My research with MT 2 has not been really succesful, it produced too many freckles in strange places on very low doses( 100mcg a day) so before I give a try to MT 1 , I hope some people who have more knowledge on it would share their experiences. Any input is appreciated . Also, there isn't much info on dosages for MT 1 .
Yeah your not going to find much on that. Pretty uncommon after Mel II. I'd go slow. Mel is proly the only pep I have not conducted research with but have watched tons of ppl at the gym turn dark, orange, freckles, etc etc. some don't know where to stop.
You must be one of the lucky ones , I will burn-peel-freckle and will not get a tan :( , so had high hopes for MT 2 , but excessive freckles are a bit scary , trying to dig up more info on MT1 . Thanks Toshiro :)