appendix failure...steroid side effect


New member
A friend who was running the same gear as myself and now in his third week of post cycle therapy (pct) (he started his cycle before myself) is in the hospital getting his appendix out. He had a couple of tests run and they determined it needed to come out after a sleepness night of intense pain. Can this be directly related to gear use. I know that his diet was clean and training was consistent. His cycle looked like this:
week 1 to 8 Test E 250mg 2Xweek
Week 8 to 10 Test P 100mg EOD
week 1 to 3 Dbol 40 mg day
week 8 to 10 Anavar (var) 40 mg day
with HCG 250 iu twice a week

his post cycle therapy (pct) was
week 1 to 2 250 iu HCG ED
week 1 to 4 20 mg Nolvadex everyday.

any info on how to prevent this if it can be attributed to gear use would be much appreciated