Are estrogen blocker relay necessary


New member
My first post!
Just had a question about steroid use. i'm a natural competitive bodybuilder maybe 8% body fat and ik as a rule of thumb the amount of fat you are holding on your chest and tricep is a good indicator of how estrogen based your food consumption is but i was thinking/doing research on steroids and i was basically wondering if Estrogen blockers are relay necessary ik about gino but i almost feel like estrogen plays an important role in muscular hypertrophy/development and if you off balance your T/E lvls then it could effect your gains but if your not consuming processed foods then, if you do a cycle of test e and Eq its not necessary, at least in my opinion

any advice or "experience" on this would greatly be appreciated maybe another competitive BB or someone experienced with this topic or even another link to a forum already on this topic

Training's not about talent its about heart!!
People control estrogen for a couple of reasons. First of all, no one looks good with a pair of breasts, not males at least. Second, estrogen causes water and salt retention, giving that "puffy" look. Once again, that doesn't look good, not to mention it makes it pretty obvious to everyone around you that you're on gear when you balloon up 15 pounds in a few weeks only to piss it out later. Last, less steroid converted to estrogen means more steroid. Steroids are more helpful for building muscle and strength than estrogen. If estrogen was more anabolic than steroids we'd all be popping birth control pills before we hit the gym.