Are there any men's physique competitors that look big in clothes...or


New member
Do they all have muscle development of middling high school football players with 5% bf

Seems like all the popular guys are all pretty small and look like regular how's with a polo style shirt or an Oxford on
Most physique guys are smaller but tend to have really low body fat in my experience. Also underdeveloped legs as those board shorts cover up most of the lower half.

SP is way bigger than most I've seen at comps. Not easy looking the part at 6'+, massive props. :cool:
Depends on your definition of small.

Michael Anderson - 6'1 200lbs
Jason Poston - 5'11 190lbs
Jeremy Buendia - 5'8 185lbs
Steve Cook - 6'1 220

A few successful physique competitors, none of those stats say "small" to me but I will confess that I've met steve cook and he has the size of an NFL linebacker - he's pretty big & certainly doesn't look like a regular dude.
Depends on your definition of small.

Michael Anderson - 6'1 200lbs
Jason Poston - 5'11 190lbs
Jeremy Buendia - 5'8 185lbs
Steve Cook - 6'1 220

A few successful physique competitors, none of those stats say "small" to me but I will confess that I've met steve cook and he has the size of an NFL linebacker - he's pretty big & certainly doesn't look like a regular dude.

Unless the attached pic is old Steve doesn't look that big compared to the smaller Jeff Seid
Unless the attached pic is old Steve doesn't look that big compared to the smaller Jeff Seid

Its not a good idea to judge how "big" someone is based on contest ready condition since most physique competitors will indeed look small - but even so I can see a big difference in arm size, neck width, chest development, etc.

I haven't met Jeff in person but based on stats alone - Steve has 15lbs on him in the off season, this is a case where the pictures don't do justice to how big that dude actually is.

Level of muscle mass is one of the reasons Jeff came 13th at the Olympia and Steve was in the top 5 :)
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Steve goes pretty hard on leg training, too

I think part of the perceived 'smallness' of the physique competitors has to do with their height moreso than their weight - not all, but many are a few inches taller than typical IFBB pro BB's...220lbs @ 6'1 looks vastly different than 220@ 5'8
I don't understand why these guys do gear on and off year round if they aren't interested in getting big/huge??

Wouldn't their diet be enough?
Why does everyone make theirselves look so tan to the point that it doesnt look natural?

I never understood that.

Wouldnt a few times in a tanning bed look a lot more natural than a spray tan?
They light you up like a Christmas tree on stage, and you want that definition to still show. Otherwise, it gets washed out -and you look flat/lack definition.

I don't understand why these guys do gear on and off year round if they aren't interested in getting big/huge??

Wouldn't their diet be enough?

Even though I said smaller in my previous post, I was comparing them to the bodybuilding class of competitors. Both of the young men are actually much bigger than the average Joe as Ripped stated.

I do see where you're coming from though, even though I would fare better in physique (I have some friends pushing me to try), I would much rather go bb and get my ass kicked by guys a foot shorter than me.

You ever going to try bb SP?
They light you up like a Christmas tree on stage, and you want that definition to still show. Otherwise, it gets washed out -and you look flat/lack definition.

Even though I said smaller in my previous post, I was comparing them to the bodybuilding class of competitors. Both of the young men are actually much bigger than the average Joe as Ripped stated.

I do see where you're coming from though, even though I would fare better in physique (I have some friends pushing me to try), I would much rather go bb and get my ass kicked by guys a foot shorter than me.

You ever going to try bb SP?

Interesting, I wasnt aware of that.. Makes perfect sense now.

I have never been to a compatition..

Would love to see one
I think the shorts look stupid as hell. Kind of dumb how they are literally using it to cover leg development or lack thereof. The legs are one of the biggest parts of your body, i dont know how they leave them out like that. When i think "physique" "aesthetic" "greek god" i think Frank zane, and he had awesome, aesthetic legs. When i look at wanna be physique competitors, i see a lot of overdevelop lats trying to compensate for bad waist genetics. It's nothing short of a freak show(the guys who do 85 sets of pull ups) That's just my opinion though
Interesting, I wasnt aware of that.. Makes perfect sense now.

I have never been to a compatition..

Would love to see one
Oh man, they have them all over the country for regionals, I definitely recommend you hit one up. I have a few friends going to Vegas later this year for nationals - REALLY looking forward to it! :D

I think the shorts look stupid as hell. Kind of dumb how they are literally using it to cover leg development or lack thereof. The legs are one of the biggest parts of your body, i dont know how they leave them out like that. When i think "physique" "aesthetic" "greek god" i think Frank zane, and he had awesome, aesthetic legs. When i look at wanna be physique competitors, i see a lot of overdevelop lats trying to compensate for bad waist genetics. It's nothing short of a freak show(the guys who do 85 sets of pull ups) That's just my opinion though

Yeah, I don't get the board shorts thing. A lot of "purists" want to do away with bikini, but I think those gals have a really hard job ahead of them as they have to develop muscle tone without dropping body fat too low, or appearing masculine. What's so pure about covering up the largest muscle groups in the body.

I too think of the competitors from the 80's and 90's when it comes to physique. Well balanced, good muscle bellies, and amazing symmetry. Zane, Wheeler, even Schwarzenegger (balance was one of his key trademarks) definitely come to mind.
I think the shorts look stupid as hell. Kind of dumb how they are literally using it to cover leg development or lack thereof. The legs are one of the biggest parts of your body, i dont know how they leave them out like that. When i think "physique" "aesthetic" "greek god" i think Frank zane, and he had awesome, aesthetic legs. When i look at wanna be physique competitors, i see a lot of overdevelop lats trying to compensate for bad waist genetics. It's nothing short of a freak show(the guys who do 85 sets of pull ups) That's just my opinion though

You have to remember that the competitors don't make the rules man.

I know a lot of physique guys, including steve cook, who absolutely hate the rules regarding shorts - some of them actually have very well developed legs but never get a chance to show it. Annoying to a lot of the competitors.
As for Frank Zane, though I agree that he had an awesome physique, if he was around in this day and age he would have no chance in the traditional bodybuilding class because he was too small by today's standards. In fact, he might even prefer to compete in physique :)

And honestly, genetics matter more for the physique competitors than it does the bodybuilding comp.
In physique, if you don't have an attractive face - your never EVER going to win, you'll be lucky to be place most of the time. That's as much focus on genetics as you can get right there.
Oh man, they have them all over the country for regionals, I definitely recommend you hit one up. I have a few friends going to Vegas later this year for nationals - REALLY looking forward to it! :D

Yeah, I don't get the board shorts thing. A lot of "purists" want to do away with bikini, but I think those gals have a really hard job ahead of them as they have to develop muscle tone without dropping body fat too low, or appearing masculine. What's so pure about covering up the largest muscle groups in the body.

I too think of the competitors from the 80's and 90's when it comes to physique. Well balanced, good muscle bellies, and amazing symmetry. Zane, Wheeler, even Schwarzenegger (balance was one of his key trademarks) definitely come to mind.

Yeah some of those girls look awesome and props to them for what they do. I agree, a simple formula for aesthetics for a lay man ; Low bodyfat+Good proportion. This goes for anything from a model to a physique competitor. Just different extremes, but the basic formula is still there.

@rippedzilla Yeah, i wasn't bashing on the competitors. I just had a certain person in mind who looks like a clown cause his lats are at least 50% more developed than anything else and he looks ridiculous. I don't think zane would have wanted to compete in this era of mass monsters. He said in an interview that he likes being able to wear clothes and blend into the crowd. Agree 100% on genetics. That will always be a limiting factor for a lot of guys. Look at dave palumbo, guy looks like shit balls. Lee Priest, Kevin Levrone, those guys were born to compete.
This all depends on the type of clothes. The ultimate test is if you look big in a hoody. If you do that means that you are massive. The physique competitors that I have seen look big in tshirts and tighter polo tops.