Arimidex Inactivating Nolvadex


New member
Hey, do any of you guys think Arimidex will bind up Nolva in your system?

If the Nolva mimics E so that it can attach to the receptors in your breast tissue and Arimidex is floating around looking for E to irreversibly bind up... has anyone ever wondered if the two are going to react in your body?

I'd look at the structures myself but I slept and memorized my way through organic chemistry. It's about time that I chat up some chemistry grad students. They love answering questions like this. Most professors get really suspicious when you ask off the wall stuff.

Has anyone thought about this??
Ive given it a little thought but honestly after all the anecdotal evidence that this doesnt happen, Im not too worried about it. Good question though for sure, Im taking a little organic chem refresher class next semester to fill up some credit requirments, maybe this time ill actually pay attention too, lol.
i thought adex helped stop conversion and nolva worked by binding.

you may not need either though everyone is not predisposed to sides. i am on 4g/w of gear now and not using any ias or anti es or ps. got a set of semi sore nips but i can live with it.
Yeah, I dont see how an aromatase inhibitor drug works directly with estrogen, unless the definition is a bit innacurate.
i was under the impression that arimidex worked by binding to aromatase, not estrogen. that being said, i remember seeing a study somewhere saying that the arimidex or femara, can't remember which, would lower the efficacy of nolvadex. i'll try and find it.
Arghhh. You're right macgyver and mudge. That'll teach me to post on the fly without reading up on stuff right before I post. If Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor... ummm yeah it binds to the enzyme aromatase which is responsible for the conversion of T to E.

Sorry for the stupid question.

I think I might be pretty susceptible. I've had sore nips right after a workout. Do you think it was the workout or the start of something else?
when my nips get sore its 24/7 not just certain times of the day. where you playing with them whilst lifting? :)
pullinbig said:
when my nips get sore its 24/7 not just certain times of the day. where you playing with them whilst lifting? :)
now pb thats a personnal question :insane2:
ive herard nolva interfered with femara but nothing about arimidex .
Nolvadex Will Deactivate Arimidex

Nolvadex WII deactivate Arimidex. Nolvadex stays in the body for about 6 days after you stop taking it. Arimidex will reduce estrogen 70 % in 24 hours and you will have almost zero estrogen within a few days. When you go off cycle ( about every 8 weeks ) you stop with the Nolvadex and you should use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid to get the natural test up as much as possible for 2 weeks so if you are thinking of a switch from Nolvadex to Arimidex that's going to be the best time. With the price of Arimidex you can't afford to waste it in any way.

Nolvadex Arimidex Follow Up

As a follow up as to how Nolvadex ans Arimidex work.

Nolvadex is an estronen blocker either binding with estrogen recepters preventing estrogen from binding with the recepters or preventing estrogen from " sticking to " the estrogen recepters by paring up with the estrogen molecule and arresting their ability to bind with the estrogen recepters. I am not sure which but I am almost sure it's the former.

Arimidex disolves an enzime that is used in the conversion process the body uses to convert test to estrogen. Obviously that makes for more free test to build more muscle. Estrogen also plays a role in the creation of muscle tissue but it's not known exactally how it does this. Complete eradication of estrogen may even hinder muscle growth although I suspect not. Estrogen also helps push down " bad " colesterol. I am also going to start using red rice extract to push down my colesterol count. Merk's big colesterol lowering drug is made from this. I believe it spelled Melvicor and is on it's way to OTC sales.

When my Nolvadex runs out I am going to try Arimidex. I am very eagerly awaiting that date because I want to see IF muscle growth will be higher as a result. When I know the results from that I will post what I have found. Nolvadex costs me $ .55 a day US and Arimidex costs me $ 3.50 a day US. It better be worth it.

the a-dex powder is cheap when you consider dosing. .5mg-4mg/d. 1g goes a long way.

i have read so many studies on this stuff its plain ass confusing. they contradict each other. i quit reading that crap and use common sense. adex works to help control sides. so use it if needed. if you worried about not getting the full effect of the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) then do more. =0)