This should be a sticky

So do you run the liquid Caber or is there a pill form?

"They" say caber isn't stable in the liquid form. You won't see it sold in liquid form very often. I have always gotten it in tablets.

I definitely like caber better than prami. Prami made me feel nauseous and sleepy.
He mentions that as it is a fairly common TRT dose and the author is advocating only supplementing enough test to replace that which is being suppressed. For me, that would put me at <300ng/dL (low T), so it obviously does not apply to everyone. I did find it to be a pretty informative read though. I'm of the opinion that you should find out what works best for you and run with it as there are a zillion different opinions on this topic.

My .02c :)

I think the test dose it too low as well. and I coulden't even use tren over 400. i think 250-400mg ew is more than enough IMO, but not everyone is the same. and I agree most dose tren too high.
What's the reason everybody chooses to run Test Prop with Tren Ace? Why not a long ester Test with Tren Ace? I understand people would already be pinning EOD so why not, but is there another reason why Test Prop over E or Cyp with Ace?
What's the reason everybody chooses to run Test Prop with Tren Ace? Why not a long ester Test with Tren Ace? I understand people would already be pinning EOD so why not, but is there another reason why Test Prop over E or Cyp with Ace?

Just trying to match the esters to make it easier to manage PCT, etc. But not required.

I am on TRT so I run Test Cyp all the time. But I am running Tren Ace with it at this very moment for a blast. This is my first time using Tren so I wanted a faster acting ester in case there were adjustments that needed to be made.
That answers my question perfectly. I get the need for Ace, but would prefer to run it with Cyp which I am also on all the time. Would be interested to hear how your first Tren cycle is going Mega. I've yet to start mine but will be soon. Given your experience level, would love to hear more about taking the plunge