Arm gains per cycle


New member
hi everyone my arms are stuck at around 18inches and i would like them bigger, so far on every cycle i have gained about a half inch on my arms (done two cycles, on sixth week of my 3rd cycle now). i cant help but reading on here these guys that put 1-2 inches on their arms in ONE cycle!! i do add the weight on a cycle but, like i said, i feel like my arms are only getting small gains.

Those of you that put on 1-2 inches in a cycle, how do you do it? or did you start out really small or something?

???13% bf?? i couldnt tell you
legs 28" chest 48.5"

dead: 475
bench: 380
they way i put an inch on my arms in my last cycle is i did arms 3x/week and worked them hard... worked for me... also doulbe up on your tricep exercises
AAS use is a game of diminishing returns. It is unlikely you will put an inch on your arm every cycle. If that was true, I'd probably have 30 inch arms by now.

Crusherhockey always gives out good advice, but I think doing arms 3 x week is too much. I can't argue with his results though. But I think it may be a formula for overtraining. Especially if you are going heavy with back and press exercises. When you do heavy rows and pull ups, you are also working your bis. And bench and shoulder presses, you are also working your tris. Now if you do bis and tris three times a week in between, you are not leaving much time for recovery.
thank you for the kind words slayer :)
ya 3x/week was overkill but it did give me results... i don't recommend everyone go and do that cause you could hurt yourself... but it worked for me... i have weird ways of training sometimes... i do crazy things to get crazy results
crushershockey said:
thank you for the kind words slayer :)
ya 3x/week was overkill but it did give me results... i don't recommend everyone go and do that cause you could hurt yourself... but it worked for me... i have weird ways of training sometimes... i do crazy things to get crazy results

crusher, whatd your arm workout look like? how about the rep range? im assuming this was not a first cycle, right?
it was my 3rd cycle.. it was prop 100mg eod.. with anadrol 50mg 1-4... my routine i switched up every day kinda but what i did was...

1st day arm.. super set bi's and tri's together...
and i would do 7 exercises for each..
2nd day arms i would just do regular sets.. 7 exercises each again
and 3rd day same as first...

skull crushers, rope push downs, triangle push downs, over head seated dumbell, single arm push down grip up and down, seated cable extensions on an incline, ingrip bench
standing curls, hammer curls, seated curls, preacher curls (1 arm), concentration curls, barbell curls, reverse barbell curls

those are usually the exercises i will do
and 3 sets of 6-10 for each exercise... depending on how heavy i am going that day
crushershockey said:
it was my 3rd cycle.. it was prop 100mg eod.. with anadrol 50mg 1-4... my routine i switched up every day kinda but what i did was...

1st day arm.. super set bi's and tri's together...
and i would do 7 exercises for each..
2nd day arms i would just do regular sets.. 7 exercises each again
and 3rd day same as first...

skull crushers, rope push downs, triangle push downs, over head seated dumbell, single arm push down grip up and down, seated cable extensions on an incline, ingrip bench
standing curls, hammer curls, seated curls, preacher curls (1 arm), concentration curls, barbell curls, reverse barbell curls

those are usually the exercises i will do
and 3 sets of 6-10 for each exercise... depending on how heavy i am going that day

SHIT BRO!! thats a lotta work! 42 total sets for arms?? AND three times a week! woooooo im not going to be able to do that shit. your an animal.
i cuoldn't move my arms when i finished... i tried to scratch my face and my arm wouldn't bend lol... like i said i don't reccomend doing it at all.. it was complete over kill but it gave me the results i wanted :)
uhhhh not sure... not huge.. but for my age i guess they are pretty big... i think they are somwhere around 17-17.5"... i'm only 20 years old
Crusher, dont lift for 2 weeks and measure again. I guarantee they shrink up a lot. Nutrient loading isnt a bad thing but damn you gotta balance it out.
im 20 too.... that you in your avatar (what ever they call it)? if so your arms look way bigger then 17.5 ... lol are u measuring right, but anyways thanks for the advice bro. what ill probably end up doing something like 14 sets for tris and another 14 for bis 2x per week.... see if that does anything pce
yeah ur probably right dougoe lol... but i'm not willing to take those 2 weeks off :p

and yes that's me in my avatar.. the pic is shrunk a little so it looks a little bigger... here is the full size pic...
DougoeFre5h said:
Crusher, dont lift for 2 weeks and measure again. I guarantee they shrink up a lot. Nutrient loading isnt a bad thing but damn you gotta balance it out.

Other than blood volume differences, I dissagree with that.
WTF 1-2 inches per cycle? you would need like 3 cycles to have 20+ inch arms, it doesnt work that way dude. you add 10-20 lbs on your frame and you'll get an inch. Lift Heavy with the big core movements and you'll get there, everthing else is smoke up ur ass.. 1-2 inches per cycle give me a fucking break lol
Golgo13 said:
Other than blood volume differences, I dissagree with that.

I agree with it most body builders who take a week off lose 5-8 lbs. I know bc I used to train like one.
Golgo13 said:
Other than blood volume differences, I dissagree with that.
Nutrient loaded muscle cells from HIGH volume work will lose any reaosn to stay loaded after a few weeks off, and then you see the magic shrinking man syndrom.

Get some functional hypertrophy going and take some weeks off, nothing much happens.
This is a stupid question,,,,,when someone posts the measurement for their arms, is that flexed or just hanging relaxed.
its flexed slayer...thats how i do it anyways.

im a big fan of measuring my chest, legs, arms to see my progress...and i do like the scale too but measurements show me where the weight is actually going to