Arnold's high volume workout routine.. Should I give it a go?


New member
Day 1 - Chest and Back
Day 2 - Shoulders and Arms
Day 3 - Legs and Lower Back
Day 4 - Chest and Back
Day 5 - Shoulders and Arms
Day 6 - Legs and Lower Back
Day 7 - Rest

Days 1 & 4 - Chest and Back


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Bench Press 3-4 10
Incline Bench Press 3-4 10
Dumbbell Pullovers 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Chin Up 3-4 10
Bent Over Row 3-4 10
Deadlift 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Crunches 5 25

Days 2 & 5 - Shoulders and Arms


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Barbell Clean and Press 3-4 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3-4 10
Upright Row 3-4 10
Military Press 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Standing Barbell Curl 3-4 10
Seated Dumbbell Curl 3-4 10
Close Grip Bench Press 3-4 10
Standing Barbell Tricep Extension 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Wrist Curls 3-4 10
Reverse Wrist Curls 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Reverse Crunch 5 25

Days 3 & 6 - Legs and Lower Back


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Squat 3-4 10
Lunge 3-4 10
Leg Curl 3-4 10

Lower Back

Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Stiff Leg Deadlift 3-4 10
Good Mornings 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Standing Calf Raise 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Crunches 5 25

My torso grows pretty easily but the one thing i'm lacking is arm mass.. I can't get my arms to grow. This routine pretty much would work my arms 4 times a week 2 of them being indirectly but it's still working out your arms.. the less is more approach doesn't seem to work with me so i'm thinking about giving this a go..

This seems pretty intense.. Anyone else tried something like this? Think it's worth a go?
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I'm doing this now. Challenging yes, I do like 4 sets instead of 3 though. If I'm feeling it maybe 5. My calories are high and so are my supplements, I try to nap when I can because sleep is the only thing I'm kind of lacking. By the end of the week I'm beat though.

With high volume u need to integrate HIGH VOLUME quality calories and REST. I m doing a morphed version ( my bone s joint s fail ) but with a high protein (costly diet. My big cycle of trt 200 mg test c plus 50 tren a / prop 50 m w f (PSL) is helping with catabolism but my 19 yr old partner s intensity is literally cutting me to pieces . Competitive swimmer turned physique lifter.

U gotta both gear lube and fuel a motor properly for whatever task s at hand or she ll burn up or bust.
For me high volume is the only way I train. Since switching my training over to a high volume style I realize it works very good for me I dropped the ego and now focus on the contraction I'm a body builder not a powerlifter. Burns more calories I feel muscle respond well to high volume. Arnolds style is great but I don't really like to follow training programs of others because all of us have areas we need to work on more than others and I like to prioritize that muscle group and I only do movements I feel a good contraction. So I say alter it to fit your goal