Aromasin During PCT thus far


New member
Hey fellas,

I posted here probably around a year back about doing a test e cycle and not too long ago I finally finished and began PCT. I decided I'd share with you my PCT as I thought my results thus far were very interesting and intriguing.

Long story short;

I decided to do a test e cycle of 500 mgs a week for 10 weeks. Please note that I have been bodybuilding naturally very seriously for a while now. My first show I competed naturally in an untested show and took first. To say the least my motivation went through the roof. Shortly after I did an epistane only cycle. I made amazing gains, but felt horrible on it. I did a Nolva only PCT as everyone seemed to agree that Nolva was plenty for an epi only cycle. I felt horrible during PCT as well but kept most of my gains. Strength went down a smidgen and only lost a few pounds. I gained roughly 15 in 6 weeks and kept 12. I thought it was a very successful cycle.

Even though I made great gains, I never wanted to an oral only cycle ever again (as everyone around here says, guess I shoulda listened ;) )

Anyhow, roughly six months later I decided to do a test cycle. Got my two vials to run for 10 weeks. At around the 5 week mark I decided to buy more test so I could cruise and eventually blast. My goal was to be an IFBB pro and always has been, I just decided to wait until I was near my natty potential before doing any gear.

At week 10 I began cruising on 250 mgs of test a week. I planned to cruise for a while then blast at 750-1000 mgs of test a week.

However, one day it suddenly hit me I didn't want to do this anymore. I didn't want to have to take gear for the rest of my life to be an IFBB pro. And at week 18 I finally came off so I could PCT (before it was too late.)

As you can assume, I kind of screwed myself. Thinking I planned to blast and cruise I did not get HCG. I was worried that I may have messed myself up making such a drastic decision only to change my mind later.

I already had Nolva and Clomid on hand as I orginally planned to do 10 weeks and PCT. However, I did not feel confident this would be enough for an 18 week cycle of test. I did a lot of research and decided to test my luck and try my luck with Aromasin. There were a lot of mixed opinions on this. Some said running an AI in pct is a horrible idea, others said they loved Aromasin during PCT. I figured I may as well just go with it!

Long story short, I started PCT 17 days after my last pin. By 14 day mark my libido was tanked, I wasn't feeling good in the gym, sex drive was near zero... not good.

I kid you not, by day 4 of PCT with Aromasin + Clomid my sex drive was just as good as on cycle and I was setting PR's on squats and deads. I also felt great mentally. I went from feeling depressed, weak, no sex drive to feeling almost like I was back on cycle so quickly (key word, almost lol)

Now I am on week 3 of PCT and feeling amazing still. Sex drive is still through the roof, still setting PR's, haven't lost a pound and setting PR's every lift.

For those curious, I am running Aromasin at 25 mgs a week and Clomid at 50 a week. Planning to do this probably for 5-6 weeks. Not entirely sure yet, maybe you guys could help me out there with that decision :)

I just figured I'd share this with you guys as there seems to be so many mixed opinions about Aromasin during PCT. I know this is just my personal experience thus far. I will be sure to let you guys know things go AFTER PCT as well.

Thanks for reading guys
U might tank your e2 running Aromasin that high per day. I only take 12.5 mgs a day on cycle.
U might tank your e2 running Aromasin that high per day. I only take 12.5 mgs a day on cycle.

Thanks for the reply man! I was concerned about that as well, but so far so good! Haven't had any low estro sides of any sort. Feel a lot better now than I did even during the last few weeks of being on test. Even my physique is looking better at times. My weight is still the same as the day of my last pin, still setting PR's and my overall mood is better as well.

I am just hoping this continues after I come off the aromasin and clomid