Aromasin vs Anastrozole on cycle?


New member
Hi, I am looking to run my first cycle soon.

I plan on running a testosterone enathate cycle.

My goal is to add some lean muscle mass and generally tone up. I am a free runner looking to break into advertising jobs in the UK and I think a more impressive physique will help put me over the top.

From what I have read, most people prefer to use Aromasin to using Anastrozole.

However, in my case there is a lot of pressure on my joints from landings. I think both aren't ideal for this effect but I think Anastrozole may not be as harsh on my joints and therefore preferable for my cycle?

if you dial either in correctly you wont have joint issues..

i like adex better out of the two because it has a longer halflife and makes it easier to dose correctly

if you go with aromasin youre gonna have to do ed intake of it due to the short half life
Hi, I am looking to run my first cycle soon.

I plan on running a testosterone enathate cycle.

My goal is to add some lean muscle mass and generally tone up. I am a free runner looking to break into advertising jobs in the UK and I think a more impressive physique will help put me over the top.

From what I have read, most people prefer to use Aromasin to using Anastrozole.

However, in my case there is a lot of pressure on my joints from landings. I think both aren't ideal for this effect but I think Anastrozole may not be as harsh on my joints and therefore preferable for my cycle?


Refer to your other thread on putting a cycle together.
just want to add that had horrible skin problems from aromsin swelling itchy red bumps and acne now everything went away after stopped. Now use Adex but seems it makes me tired... so just so you know there are steroid side effects but there are also these drug side effects which you must to use along with roids, when you will do PCT with clomid and nolva then again you may have side effects from these drugs, nolva can kill libido clomid same (for some it's opposite though) clomid also made me tired as hell..
Maybe you get away with none of this who know just so you know potential consequences...
Aromasin is more forgiving and less potent that adex contrary to what you may have read. Its much easier to crash your e2 levels with adex than with aromasin.
Stane is the way to go. Adex screws with liver values. You get the rebound after you quit taking it. Too much will crash your E2.

To follow up on what somewhere else said, you don't have to take it everyday. I did 12.5mg eod on 600mg of test and kept my E2 perfect.