AST "advice" (must read!)


New member
hohoho, read this article written by the moron Paul Cribb over at AST...and I used to think that he knows his shit

Q: I have a brother who is 19 years old and jealous of my gains in the gym. I have always been smaller than him but now after two years of Max-OT training and using VP2 and Creatine HSC, I am much bigger and stronger. He doesn’t train anymore since he got out of high school. My brother can get hold of as much testosterone as he wants. It is going to cost him nothing so he’s going to use a lot. I got a look at the vial and its Testosterone Depot 200mg. It is a yellow liquid. Despite what I tell him about hard work and good nutrition habits, he won't listen and is going to use steroids anyway. He still comes to me for questions about training and nutrition, is there anything I can tell him that may help minimize the damage of testosterone use? Thank you for your help.

A: I usually refrain from posting questions that refer to drugs. However, I have watched hundreds of guys just like your brother take this haphazard approach. I’ll try to describe the all too-common scenario I’ve witnessed during 17 years of being around guys who select the drug-taking route.

First of all, forget the horror stories you hear in the media of steroid use. Testosterone won't kill your brother. It won't even make him sick. However, steroid use is only a temporary solution to a life long challenge. Many young “lazy guys” are attracted to steroid use. However, their indolent actions always seem to catch up with them in the end. Let me explain.

Your brother will do a 10 or 12-week cycle with the drugs he has in his possession. In those 12-weeks, he'll put on some bulk, real bulk. However, because he's the lazy kind, he won’t have discipline with his diet, so the gains won’t be all muscle. He'll look puffy, kind of soft and fat. But he won't care because every week he'll be getting bigger and stronger in the gym. Training on steroids is like magic. The weights you used to struggle with feel ridiculously easy, and the pump and growth rate are awesome.

However, because he's young, your brother will already have more than enough natural testosterone flowing through his system. Testosterone Depot is real androgenic and his body will quickly shut down its own testosterone production. Make no mistake, injectable testosterones DO THIS. The "excess" testosterone that he's sticking in his ass has to "go" somewhere. The body must convert the excess testosterone into estrogens. There is no way around this. So after a while, your brother will begin to sport some nice little lumps under his nipples known in bodybuilding circles as “bitch tits”. This makes it very embarrassing to take off the shirt, especially in front of a girl. In fact, with their shirts off, some male steroid users look like they need a training bra.

If your father is losing his hair, watch your brother lose his before he's 30! Steroids will not create hair loss. However, if hair loss is genetic, steroid use will accelerate the process, very quick! Many young guys who choose the drug route do not understand that for every action there is a reaction, and with steroid use you still have to “pay your dues”.

After his first 12-week cycle your brother will have a decision to make. Does he stop using the steroid now and watch his new gains crash? Most users fear this, and it is very easy to become addicted to the "instant muscle gratification" that steroids provide. I’ll tell you right now, no steroid user does only “one cycle”. Most choose the path of prolonged steroid use and that's when the side effects start to get ugly.

The best gains always come from the first steroid cycle and no one knows why. To keep gaining, the bodybuilder must increase the dosage. The injections become more frequent and the cycles become longer. Your brother will get big and strong, but he’ll also become moody and very quick-tempered. Watch your brother at family gatherings. After a few cycles of testosterone, he will become a real asshole to be around and his family will be the first to notice. He'll be easily irritated, reclusive and very short-tempered. Everything will be "a hassle" to him. But now, at last, he's a "big guy" right? So to him, everything is okay.

After a few years of abuse, the side effects become more apparent and harder to live with. Apart from the bitch-tits, the acne and zero level of natural testosterone your “big” brother will sport a nice distended "steroid gut" and “buffalo butt”. Yes, steroids make everything grow, except your Johnson.

The true irony is that after a few "wasted" years (or maybe decades) of this tomfoolery, for whatever reason, your brother will have to come off the steroids. They all do. Because his natural testosterone production has been suppressed for so long, his muscle mass will deteriorate quickly. You can’t grow muscle without healthy testosterone production. HCG, growth hormone or any other drug or supplement will not magically restore these levels. This can only occur with time.

Unlike the natural bodybuilder, drug-using bodybuilders have limited knowledge of nutrition for building muscle. When you are on steroids, you can eat anything and still grow! Your brother won’t have a clue about how to eat and supplement to maintain his gains. This will only accelerate his losses and he’ll become real depressed and probably stop going to the gym altogether. It’s hard to train, eat right and stay motivated when you can see and feel yourself getting smaller and weaker every week. “Coming off” steroids sucks.

After all this wasted time, money and effort, your brother will be right back where he started. He will probably be the exact same weight, size and condition he is in now. He probably won’t lift a weight ever again and will abandon one of the most rewarding, positive activities a person could ever do, all because of a mistaken belief that “only drugs can only grow real muscle”.

Don’t think for one minute I'm kidding you or stretching things here a little. NO WAY. I have seen this scenario so often it’s not even funny – it’s kind of sad. The moral to this little story is that you cannot fill a syringe full of intelligence and character. We all choose our own path and the consequences they provide. If this story makes only one young guy think twice about steroid use, it has been worth sharing.
I agree with SC - some very truthful points that should always bee heeded but a few extreme scare stories too.
The usual scare tactics that are BASED on truths, and presented in an awfully biased fashion.
In my youth, they said that smoking pot would instantly lead to moral depravity, heroin addiction, and splitting of the chromosomes. So when it didn't, people laughed and ignored any of the downsides for this and other rec drugs. A lot of people got strung out because of that.
Truthful information is power.
"Unlike the natural bodybuilder, drug-using bodybuilders have limited knowledge of nutrition for building muscle."

That's a bullshit statement.
I know you guys all dislike the post, but I think its very realistic and down to earth, but that's because I did this myself in my younger years, although I'm still young so I'll say teenage s a sad fact.