Avocados for keto?


I am banned!
What do the vets here think of avocado on a keto diet?

It has a decent number of carbs but over 90% are just fiber...
do you use the urine strips to judge when your in/out?

I used them years ago and found they didnt work very well unless i was somewhat dehydrated
Yeah they arnt always very accurate, I know when I take jack3d they will read negative and then an hour later positive. I used them in the beginning just so I would know how low my carbs would have to be and how long it took me to get into ketosis. Using the strips I learned that it takes me about 3 days at 20g< of carbs, now that I know that I dont need them.
keto strips are crap..

avocados are fine in moderation.. a whole avocado doesn't have more then 12 carbs, if i recall correctly?? dont quote me on that.. lol