Awesome Anti E Post

DADAWG, I'm sure you've covered this question, but I'll ask seeing as though I can't find a definitive answer in any of your previous posts. Do you believe it is necessary to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, even if you're not feeling the effects of estrogen? For instance, if someone was running 500mg of test and not feeling bloated, nor any pain behind the nipples etc. would you bother running an AI?
DADAWG, I'm sure you've covered this question, but I'll ask seeing as though I can't find a definitive answer in any of your previous posts. Do you believe it is necessary to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, even if you're not feeling the effects of estrogen? For instance, if someone was running 500mg of test and not feeling bloated, nor any pain behind the nipples etc. would you bother running an AI?

i get some heat for this answer from some of the conservative crowd but IMO IF you are NOT experiencing gyno symptoms and IF your are NOT having blood pressure problems then i see no harm in not using a Aromatase inhibitor (AI).
one of the problems in my theory is that half the dumbasses on these boards never keep a eye on blood pressure while on cycle and that is a serious mistake.
i get some heat for this answer from some of the conservative crowd but IMO IF you are NOT experiencing gyno symptoms and IF your are NOT having blood pressure problems then i see no harm in not using a Aromatase inhibitor (AI).
one of the problems in my theory is that half the dumbasses on these boards never keep a eye on blood pressure while on cycle and that is a serious mistake.

Wow let us know how you really feel:uzi:
Not sure how I ended on this forum instead of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but while I'm here... excellent post. Sometimes I think ppl are overdoing it with AIs... too much of a good thing doesn't make it a better thing.

So, I don't recall exact study or when it was done, but results showed both estrogen and retaining some water greatly helped anabolism. Obviously, I'm sure to a certain point - e over 100 and bloated like a water balloon I doubt is accretive to growth. W/out one/the other/both, it actually dropped to negative nitrogen balance (catabolic) and stopped growth.

From experience on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I can say that when my estrogen is too low I feel like crap, which itself limits my eating/workouts. Most aim for e in the 20s, I am personally more comfortable in the 30s w/zero water retention or any other sides - bp is usually ~115/65ish (checked monthly). I also can't gain a pound so trying to figure out how the hell I can retain water :-)
People are scarred of side effects(me included). So they overdo it to lower the sides.

Thanks for the read.
OK so Im gonna start doing EOD Aromasin 12.5 instead of ED. I have read toooo much of this Estrogen being a benefit to building muscle. I think I'll just monitor the Gyno/Bloat and increase Aro if I need to.

Anyone disagree?? This is my first cycle
Very informative posts, I for one will run a low dose A.I. on my next cycle, I would rather be safe than sorry. As far as the hinderance to gains I've read that its negligible at low doses. The way i see it is if you don't use an A.I. and develope sides i.e. bloat or gyno, you have to jump on an A.I. anyway at a higher dose to reverse the sides, in turn, hindering your progress. Just like the old adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Anyways, thats just my humble opinion.:Puke:
can anyone give advice on how to raise estrogen levels after letro has absoluely killed them? Zero sex drive, Zero wood, Zero anything. I feel like shit