awesome first cycle Anavar (var) and sus (pics)


New member
awesome first cycle var and sus (pics)

Ok guys. I know people are probably going to say I'm too small to have started a cycle but i had a time-line I had to meet and I am not going to go into detail.

So I started at about 207 and ended right around 235!

My cycle looked like this

1cc of sustanon e4d for 10 weeks
50mg of anavar every starting 20 days after the sus.

all of it was from our favorite uncle.

So anyway, I am extremely happy with the cycle. It was better than I had imagined.

My workouts were scattered and diet was not very good (both for reasons beyond my control that I dont want to go into) and for a few weeks at the end even pretty low protein and still I was gaining. My legs are huge but I never took pictures so sorry about that. I probably gained most in the legs. I am much stronger (which was the actual goal of the cycle rather than gain weight, but I don't mind gaining)

I have started post cycle therapy (pct) which consists of aromasin, nolvadex, and HCG (have not started the HCG but probably will tonight)

The only negative sides the whole cycle were it was hard to run more than a mile and a half (so I pretty much never ran) because of extreme pump in my shins. Also, this was strange, I had a small case of pitting edema around my lower legs the last week or 2 of the cycle. I was told it is a result of water retention. Those were the only things I noticed. No gyno, my balls seem to have stayed the same the whole time and I have been plenty horny (and still am).

So yes, that's it I will try and remember to post anything notable and how much I lose after all is said and done.

Pics are before (left) and after (right)
wow really.... lol

sorry dont mean to be a dick but seriously bro? you look like you dont even lift. i barely notice a difference between before and after...

how old are you? for some reason the poor diet excuse seems like its cause mommy didnt cook enough food for you....

again im not trying to be an asshole im just calling it how i see it.
This here should be made a sticky on why you don't run cycles with no Experience in dieting and working out.

Just read throw your post

Sust E4D ? Why it should be 2 a week minimum.
EOD or ED for best results.

Don't run HCG for PCT.
It should have been ran throwout the cycle.

Tips for future cycle.

Learn how to Diet
Learn how to Train.
Learn how to cycle correctly.

After you have done these practice for a few years then try back at the gear.
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You look like a baby. Do u even have hair under your arm pits yet? Haha
only difference i see is a tan...maybe? could be the lighting though...good diet, protien and some hard work and you could have gotten farther in 10 weeks..just my opinion though
Yea I could have done it a lot better I know but there were things beyond my control (yes both diet and when and how I could work out). The military does that to you sometimes, esp what I do. I am not a bodybuilder (obviously) and don't ever want to be I just needed to get stronger quick. I really didn't care about gaining mass.

I shrank down since then but my strength is the same so all in all I am happy with it and I learned a thing or two.

Man, I hate to break it to ya, but you just waisted the benefits of being a gear virgin. Your first cycle should be the best cycle due to receptors.

I see a slight difference in shoulders in the second set of pics.
You learned a thing or two...
You're happy with your "results," so I guess that's all that matters, huh?

Man, you should of had your cherry popped with a better cycle. I know you were pushing for time, but it really didn't matter in your case with the before/after results. See, I'm waiting till May to start my very first cycle.Actually, I have a good foundation to start using now. You can check me out at "150lbs w/pic" You also lied to us. There is no way you gained that many pounds. You basically looked the same.

SMH while I LOL,
I didn't lie. At the end i was 235. I am back down stable to 221 since I first posted. So obviously a lot was water. It does not matter to me if anyone thinks its a lie or not.

I am still happy with a cycle that I kept 14 lbs of and got a lot stronger.
My bad...I should not have called you a liar...the bottom line is this: You're a happy with your results...don't let a person like me ever bring your hope down...I'm truly sorry...

If this is all steroids do I'll stick to my all lettuce diet.

On second thought maybe I'll cycle in some carrots to bump up the protein.....