BA/BB ratio in "Super Solvent" and "Magic Solution"


New member
Question 1:

Anyone know if the BA/BB ratio is the same in what is the Super Solvent in Winstrol (winny) kits versus the stardard Magic Solution as sold by kit makers?

I bought an enormous huge amount of Winstrol (winny) kits awhile ago and had extras left. I am wondering if I can use the "Super Solvent" as a "Magic Solution" for tren, (to save myself time from measuring BA and BB from scratch).

If that's not the equivalent let me know, as I have plenty of both BA and BB available. (I just wanted to use up the kits and save the hassle at the sametime.)

Question 2:

If I can't use the pre-made super solvent, what is the *correct* ratio? The one commonly listed is BA:BB 2:5, which is 7 mls / 4 g. That's 17.5% "magic solvent" in a 40ml solution, at 75mg/ml, or 14% in a 50ml solution, at 75mg/ml.

This seems correct and reasonable.

However, Basskiller lists the following on his site:

8mlBA+4gTREN+42ml oil divided into 4000 = 74.07mg/ml. (That's 50mls)

That's 16% of pure BA!! Seems a little much, compared to the sticky thread's 4% (with 10% BB). I prefer all my suspensions with as little BA and as much BB as possible. (Low pain, easy to draw and shoot.) My experience has been with other powders. Thanks for your help on tren.
You could probably get away with using the supersolvent in place of whatever other solvents you need. As for the ratio...i have no clue- trade secret like KFC recipe.
i doubt super solvent is straight ba/bb. in fact it cant be if it works for Winstrol (winny).

tren A does just fine with 2/20 ba/bb

that formula you listed by bass dont add up to 50ml.
Both of that was very helpful. I also suspected the Winstrol (winny) solvent could not be the standard mixture...probably overloaded with BB...and that's why some home recipes suggest adding BA. (I usually don't because it crashes even with even .2cc extra.)

PB, you're right about the Bass's formula...given the 4gs, it does displace quite a bit over 50ml...but the BA is still a large percentage. I'll go with 2:20, or 2:18...and I'll assume tren ace displaces .7 per ml just like most "dryer" shorter powders?

Thanks a bunch.
baham99 said:
Both of that was very helpful. I also suspected the Winstrol (winny) solvent could not be the standard mixture...probably overloaded with BB...and that's why some home recipes suggest adding BA. (I usually don't because it crashes even with even .2cc extra.)

PB, you're right about the Bass's formula...given the 4gs, it does displace quite a bit over 50ml...but the BA is still a large percentage. I'll go with 2:20, or 2:18...and I'll assume tren ace displaces .7 per ml just like most "dryer" shorter powders?

Thanks a bunch.

tren is closer to .85 last chart i saw. but i dont do it like that. i add powder and solvents in a beaker. heat til the powder goes to solution. then add oil til it fills to the graduated line plus a tad for the warm solution that has expanded.

and once again ba and/or bb will not hold Winstrol (winny) in solution. no matter what the ratio is. peg is the best shot you have and thats not soluable in oil. peg is soluable in water. thats why we making it in water instead. the Winstrol (winny) in water "suspension" is working well for everyone. or if you want a solution use peg as the carrier with with ba/bb.