Bacteriostatic water or sterile?


New member
Hey guys I'm doing an HGH cycle and was wondering if bacteriostatic was necessary or if sterile water could be ok? Also can I use the same bacteriostatic water, say a week after I already used it or just inserting a needle the first time might have made it "go bad".. Also, does it have to be refrigirated after it's been used ?? Thanks guys!
not sure what u mean..always use a clean needle to draw the bac water ..also dont fill up two bottles use one at a time.U will be fine im sure no worries bro

I took only about 2 Ml of my 10 Ml bac water... and then I kept it room temp for about 2 days.. Can I still use water from this bottle or do I have to throw it away and buy a new one?
always keep the hgh in the frige..the bac should be fine even if its in room temp..aslo gh is very fragile so pour the water in very slowly and never pour it on the puck ..let it drip slowly on the side of the bottle..dont throw it away im sure its fine..Bac water is cheap so if it makes u feel better just buy some more

Yes I knew that about the Gh but thanks anyway! Yeah I know it's cheap but it's pretty hard to find here as opposed to sterile water!
The whole point of bacteriostatic water is to control (stop) bacterial growth even if there is a small amount of contamination, so what you're doing should be OK.

The bac water itself doesn't need to be refrigerated, but reconstituted peptides generally do.