Basic anadrol question, re estrogen etc


New member
if Gains stop after 3 weeks (read on forums) should a jumpstart be only 3 weeks or should it be longer?

Read that arimidex doesn’t work cause Anadrol is estrogenic via a different mechanism (not sure how) and one needs nolva not arimidex. True?

we need moew details, what else are you pinning, diet, training? come one man we need data.

Not being a jerk but what does any of that matter. The question is does nolva work for anadrol because it’s thought that anadrol binds to estrogen receptor and hence an AI wouldn’t work?
What does my training and diet have anything to do with that?
Anadrol doesn't aromatize, but does have estrogenic effect - so it can be tricky and if not managed can lead to weird sides.

My advice would be to manage the E on your testosterone base with the arimidex, so it's within range. If you do that then you shouldn't have any problems. I don't mean this as an offence, but if you don't know how to do that yet then skip the anadrol this time around and learn how.

Yeah if you start to get itchy nipples or growing lumps around your nipples then nolva will sort you out, but the general advice on this board is to keep the nolva for PCT and manage estrogen on cycle with adex or asin.