Beastdrol Does it cause hair loss?

depends on if you're prone to MPB. I'm not so SD didn't have any effect on my hairline. It could though, and could be very rough for some.
It does my family(both sides) loose hair at around 36 by 40 they have little left. So it effected me not a lot because i used Taco-8 and N2 shampoo. It did some hairloss that i noticed when i was off it and ended cycle but only then did i notice but now i am still using both supplements its coming back. id recommend growing your hair like im doing but i guess it regrows but make sure you use supps that slow that down
If you are prone it might accelerate hair lose. Just comb your hair daily, if you're shedding, stop right away.

Nizoral and n2shampoo should help
does it cause hairloss due to dht or some other method?

I ordered it couple days ago but now not sure if I want to take it dont have much hair left as it is. I have propecia and nizoral on the way
I am prone do you think propecia will help?

Yes, i am prone and stay away from certain PHs because of this. I learned my lesson back in the original superdrol/pheraplex days.

Propecia stops a certain conversion. I want to say DHT, google it you will find a nice write up
I've seen few people that if prone do have that effects. I used it last year and had no sides other then lethargic for the first week. I got some Cycle support by IML off Orbit and took it with it.