It does my family(both sides) loose hair at around 36 by 40 they have little left. So it effected me not a lot because i used Taco-8 and N2 shampoo. It did some hairloss that i noticed when i was off it and ended cycle but only then did i notice but now i am still using both supplements its coming back. id recommend growing your hair like im doing but i guess it regrows but make sure you use supps that slow that down
I've seen few people that if prone do have that effects. I used it last year and had no sides other then lethargic for the first week. I got some Cycle support by IML off Orbit and took it with it.
That or Avodart. I know we have N2Shampoo and that could help with that as well. I know a couple of guys that have issues with hair loss and they stack a few products together and get good results.
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