I love beef jerky and I normally make my own. Here is the recipe I use.
5 Lbs. Fresh Brisket
15 - 20 oz. Soy Sauce
15 oz. Worcestershire Sauce
15 - 20 oz. Teriyaki sauce
2 - 4 tablespoons Dark Brown Sugar
2 - 4 tablespoons Garlic Powder
2 - 4 tablespoons Onion Powder
2 - 4 teaspoons Cayenne Pepper
5 oz. bottle Liquid Smoke
2 - 4 oz. Dark Corn Syrup or Molasses for even more flavor
Add all liquid ingredients into container (with lid is preferred or cover with a plastic
wrap) (see tip below*) Now add all other ingredients into the container, stir frequently. Trim as much fat as
possible off the brisket (meat). It is the fat on the meat that will go bad (rancid) not the
meat. The meat is to be sliced with the grain as thin as possible (approx. 3/16").
(see tip below**) To aid in slicing meat thinly, freeze until ice crystals are formed)
This allows for more slices and a quicker drying time. Place into marinade as sliced. Make sure
all meat is covered with the ingredients and stir meat occasionally to ensure all areas of
meat have been exposed to the marinade. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours or more,
occasionally shaking or stirring the meat at least 2 more times.
Now when ready to dry, place aluminum foil on bottom of oven and cover bottom entirely. Try
to make a pan out of the foil because of the drippings (see tip below****)
(remove when it is obvious that there are no more drippings this is usually a while after the meat
has been turned over, you will notice that the drippings will have a tendency to give off a burning
smell because it is laying on the bottom of the oven, you can replace the foil at any time to avoid this.) It is
advisable to place paper towels on the oven door while open and loading the trays to catch
the drippings. Place the meat across the racks filling the top rack first (highest position)
and then the second rack (next highest position). Set temperature to at least 160 degrees
(160 - 180 degrees). When visible dripping has stopped, all meat has to be turned
over because the top of the meat will be more moist than the bottom. Also the top rack will
drip onto the bottom rack and the bottom meat will be more moist than the top. The meat
should be checked for consistency in drying and should be move around accordingly (from
bottom rack to top, from edge to center etc.) The low heat is to dry the meat, not cook it.
It should take approximately 4&1/2 to 6 hours more or less depending how many & how thin the meat
was sliced and the set temperature. Approximately the last hour or so, the oven door should be
propped open with a fork or spoon to dissipate the heat, to avoid cooking it is a good idea
to leave the oven door propped open any time during the drying to keep a good flow of heat &
air. You can tell the meat is done when it no longer bends and you could break off a piece
with ease. But the meat should not be so dry as to be crisp & break. It is better to be more
dry than under dried, so as to prevent mold. Let meat cool before storing. This is
now ready to eat, you can allow this to air dry an additional day or so in an open
container. This will now keep in a sealed container (zip lock bags are great) for months
refrigerated although I have kept my jerky for months un-refrigerated. Remember this meat
will continue to dry unless placed in a sealed container once totally dried. Do not worry
about color changes of the beef jerky it will get lighter and harder as it continues to dry
over time. It is only important to keep the jerky away from humidity for long term
storage. The net result of all this fun will give you approx. 2.5 to 3 lbs or more of the
best jerky in town. Try it you’ll love it, and you didn’t spend $30.00 a lb or more for
commercial chemically processed so called meat.