Sorry, i dont see hardly any difference. Plus 8 weeks is way way WAY too short. Lucky for you no sides showed up. Read some more and wait a while before your next cycle. That way you can maximize your results
be sure to run your post cycle therapy (pct) right and i would suggedt getting b/w and a good diet before starting another one. Knowledge too, for your health
Its looksmlike you went from flat fat to bulky fat. What was ur diet like and I kmow jow rn's work my ex is one so i know u all eat like shit 98% of the time.
This, you appear leaner in the first pic, and if you only gained 8lbs unless the pics are deceiving than you put on all fat. Perhaps the gear was bunk? If you didn't use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on 600mg of test/week, you should've easily put on 20lbs (mostly water) even if your diet wasn't ideal. My bets on the gear
So the guy asks for opinions and gets brutaly honest ones as to help him out and he erases everything. Really why in the fuck even post anything then. You should have posted your pics asked the question and then added a caveat as to lie to you.
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