Before and After...

You need to go natural and eat right before doing any cycle...Even at 6'2". You look a tad above average among natural lifters at your height with a bit more bloat.
Looks like you've put on some nice mass. Try to keep pics consistent though, as when you shave, change the background and lighting it's hard to tell. But your definitely doing something right...I'm gonna say 230 but I'm very bad at estimating weight on anyone not my height lol.
you look really good man, i wish i could get my abs to pop out, keep up the good work and definatly post pics when it's all over

also, age, cycle history, workout history??

keep it up bra
I can see a slight difference as well. I'd personally rather be like you, still stay lean, eat clean and gain a couple pounds of quality weight rather than pack on a few pounds of muscle and a shitload of fat from a dirty diet. Lookin good though.
look a lot better then a lot of guys on this forum...One is in the light and after working out the other is in the dark...I still can tell u have gained som serious mass!
CantBeTouched said:
I was 200 when I started I'm 217 -218 right now and it's week 6 still got 4 weeks of test and 6 weeks of eq... I have yet to hit abs, I normally start right before summer so kinda of around this time. My body fat is natuarlly around 6 or 7 percent right now I'm at like 10-12 percent.

For an ectomorph you have put on a lot of quality size.
CantBeTouched said:
Whats your definition of ectomorph? Considering I was like 150-160lbs in high school when I was 18 and I'm 23 now and I have went up 60-65lbs Isn't bad I was the skinniest kid in school no joke. I have to post my pics of me when I was 18 you wold go nuts...

Guys who walk around sub 10% can almost always be considered ectos, unless they are naturally muscular AND lean, but that is very rare.