begginer cycle for athetle (first timer)


New member
Hello everyone, I've been following this forum for a while and It's by far one of the best.

Quick intro:

I am a basketball player (not pro, not trying to go pro either, not college league, just street baller) I've been playing this sport for 10 years, okay to be honest when I was younger I really wanted to go pro but I got injured my knee and everything went to shit.. I quit playing and training for a few years after my injury because I got depressed and stuff bla bla, don't want to go that way... so then one day I thought how good could I have been? How far could I have taken my athleticism? so since I'm still young, I'm recovered (got surgery,etc) I decided to go back to training and find out all this questions...

I started lifting at 17 years old, not very consistently I didn't have a clue how to train, eat, do the exercises,etc... Until I was 19 then shit got serious hit 1 year straight in the gym didn't see much gains so took a small break and started reading about nutrition, routines, how to perform different excercises, different types of training, etc,, etc, then went back to the gym another straight year and gain like 40 pounds, then I was faster, stronger more explosive, learned a lot about my body, etc, got pretty good results and I was happy.

Now im 22 and still improving.

My current stats:

Age: 22
Height: 6'1
Body fat: 9%
Weight: 172lbs

I'm planning on running a cycle around may next year or even december next yeard depends on if I hit a plateu or not, my first cycle just to see how much my athleticism can improve using this drugs. I don't give no fucks about aesthetics I also don't give no fucks about gaining lots of size, I want to be faster, stronger have more endurance without putting like stupid ammounts of muscle mass on my body I know im skinny as fuck but basketball players we are skinny like that even though I wouldn't mind if my weight goes up to 190 I can deal with that, its ok...


1.- Reduce time of recovery after heavy workout (being an ectomorph it takes me a ridiculous ammount of time after each workout to recover not only the muscles but my CNS, for example monday leg day would be like this = front squat, deadlift, single leg squat, power clean or snatches, box jumps, sprints or speed rope... If I hit this workout as hard as I can I need about 6 days to recover fully sometimes I still have sore muscles after 7 days from that workout, call me stupid but I like to push myself to the limit feels fuckin awsome hahaahahha)

Secondary goals:

(I know 1,2,3 depends on type of training so I got that covered)
4.-Body fat: 6% ( I know I can achieve this only by diet)
5.-Body weight: I know its goin to increase so 185-190 max
6.- The less water retention the better !
7.- Quality muscle
8.- Less sides as possible

OKAY finally, THE question

What substances would you vets and gurus of steroidology, broscience,etc recommend me ?! I'm open to all kinds of ideas, Dosages, cycle structure, PCT, etc, etc!, I've been doing research for a year about steroids I've read all kinds of stuffs and learned a lot, I know some of you its goin to pop out and say "WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE 30 KID" so to that guy I say "did arnold wait till his 30s ?, nobody is goin to fuckin wait to hit 30 dude... lets get real! I have in mind 3 substances that I could use together as a "stack" ( var - test prop- primo for 12-14 weeks... I know this is an very expensive cycle SO if you can recommended something that would make similar effect for less $$$ just say it I would be really thankful) someone recommended me tren but I'm not sure that I can handle that on the first time + I would hate the sides also got recommended winny but I've read lots of experiences about this drug and lots of people get stiff muscles and joint pain thats a big no no for me... I don't know if stiff muscles and joint pain from winny is even real or just missinformation anyway thanks for taking the time to those who reply to this message.
Oh and sorry for my bad english not my mother lenguage.
6 1 172...
22 yrs old...

Seriously my new friend and member..I m 5 11 205 and I m fat..double digits...avi is current. Do you know how lean 6 percent really is ? No offense...but
Please take no offense to this OK but the most anabolic substance there is, is food.

But your an adult so here are some tips.

Body fat is diet dependent...period. Aerobics can and will help.
Steroids are for getting huge or maintaining what you have when your old and feeble like me and want to fuck like a me.
Steroids as a rule do no enhance aerobic activity nor do they heal injuries.
Water retention is one way in which they work. Anti estrogens or ai s and or serms can help with that...Some aas cause more retention than others and recguire varying doses of anti e s.
The 3 you listed were very good choices in terms of low water retention and low side effects...yes.

You need to wait till your at leat 15-20 pounds heavier or at least 1 more good year of compound movements if your gonna jump on in...

If you run tren any time soon your a very foolish young man.

The drugs listed are expensive as they are good with low sides.

Where are my manners.

WELCOME ABOARD SON. Please heed my advice....should you do it I ll let someone else tell you how to dose, other meds to secure.... I need to snort my GERITOL and gear up for work...
Ur gonna get up and take it...OK ???
6 1 172...
22 yrs old...

Seriously my new friend and member..I m 5 11 205 and I m fat..double digits...avi is current. Do you know how lean 6 percent really is ? No offense...but
Please take no offense to this OK but the most anabolic substance there is, is food.

But your an adult so here are some tips.

Body fat is diet dependent...period. Aerobics can and will help.
Steroids are for getting huge or maintaining what you have when your old and feeble like me and want to fuck like a me.
Steroids as a rule do no enhance aerobic activity nor do they heal injuries.
Water retention is one way in which they work. Anti estrogens or ai s and or serms can help with that...Some aas cause more retention than others and recguire varying doses of anti e s.
The 3 you listed were very good choices in terms of low water retention and low side effects...yes.

You need to wait till your at leat 15-20 pounds heavier or at least 1 more good year of compound movements if your gonna jump on in...

If you run tren any time soon your a very foolish young man.

The drugs listed are expensive as they are good with low sides.

Where are my manners.

WELCOME ABOARD SON. Please heed my advice....should you do it I ll let someone else tell you how to dose, other meds to secure.... I need to snort my GERITOL and gear up for work...
Ur gonna get up and take it...OK ???

hahahahah awsome man, no offense taken!, thank you very much... I think I'll wait a couple of years more, yes I know food is the most anabolic thing and I know by experience, when I started eating properly I was like getting fuckin huge, my strenght went up like crazy my friends thought I was juicing hahahahah, one of them (same age) was actually juicing and we were training together the fun thing was that I was stronger than him but he was bigger and his recovery time was just stupid, he never got soreness the day after workout and he was able to traing 7 days a week, me in the other side I could train maximum 4 days a week in a good week hahaha... last year I was almost 190lbs but I had about 17-18% body fat and I didn't liked it very much so I started cutting carbs and now im 172-9%, oh and I'm from Bolivia, thanks again, have a good one!
You are young to begin using AAS bro. Until you have trained hard for several years, you have not plateaued naturally. Start using gear at 22 and count on being on trt by 30 and dependent on the needle.
I trained until my early 30's naturally and looked very good. I started using aas when I felt I had made all the gaines I could.
Hope you think this through.

Yea simply put id recommend gear only if you were a bit older or you were trying to go pro. If there isn't something huge on the line then no reason to take risks. All the best to you with patience! I didn't and wish I had. Cheers