Beginner and confused please help!


New member
Hey everybody. Ive been taking test prop for about 5 months now and also been taking mast for about a month. I had to leave town for two weeks and forgot my stuff. Now since im back, people have been telling me not to inject anymore and cycle off. They also said that I need to get estrogen blockers and take that for 8 weeks. But they also said that I should've been taking estrogen blockers while I was taking test prop. Is that true? What do you guys think I should do? Thanks.
How old are you? How much were you running a week?

You may have really messed yourself up by running such an ill-advised cycle. You need to read the Stickies first. Read up on how to run a post cycle therapy (pct) too. Hopefully you can get your natural testosterone production back.

In general, yes -- you do need to control estrogen while on cycle unless you enjoy shopping for bras at Victoria's Secret.
I'm 34 years old and i do 2 injections a week. I'll read up on how to run a post cycle therapy (pct) and im going to order today estrogen blockers. How long you think I should be on estrogen blockers?
You were using prop and masteron and you were only injecting 2 times per week.. ouch. They are both a minimum of 3 times a week injections but are normally run with every other day or everyday injections... thats presuming the mast was the prop ester.
No need for estrogen control via an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at this point get some nolvadex and clomid run a post cycle therapy (pct) protocol to come off the bad cycle and recover. Do alot of research before doing another cycle and do it right
Pardon my ignorance, how long do I stay on nolvadex and I looked up what clomid is, do I really need to take that since i'm fixed? Or still take it regardless? Once I do this i want to go back and do test again but i want to do it the right way. I guess while im on nolvadex and do the post cycle therapy (pct) protocol im going to have to beef up on my research and do things the right way and not listen to the person that supplied it to me. Maybe i just need to get everything myself.
Pardon my ignorance, how long do I stay on nolvadex and I looked up what clomid is, do I really need to take that since i'm fixed? Or still take it regardless? Once I do this i want to go back and do test again but i want to do it the right way. I guess while im on nolvadex and do the post cycle therapy (pct) protocol im going to have to beef up on my research and do things the right way and not listen to the person that supplied it to me. Maybe i just need to get everything myself.

Run both. By saying "fixed" I assume you mean vasectomy. That only affects ability to inseminate sperm. Not natural testosterone production. You want your natty T back or you are going to be on TRT for the rest of your life.
Props has a half short life. 5 months? Goddamn. Wait you are fixed? As in castrated? Is this Testosterone replacement therapy? How much were you injecting in mg?
When i meant by fixed, i meant vasectomy. And this is were the stupidity is going come to play on my part, I have no idea how many mg im injecting. The vile I have says 100Mg/ml. The trainer that supposedly knows what he is doing told me to take 1 ml twice a week. I inject on mondays and fridays. And that goes for the Mast im taking too.
So you were getting 100 mg per injection then. That means every Milliliter of the compound contains 100 mg of the respective androgen. Vasectomy should not affect test levels at all. So your trainer dude told you to stop cycling? how come?
I havent talked to him because i cant get a hold of him! Lol! But because I missed two weeks of injection other people told me to not inject anymore test because I screwed up my cycle and start taking estrogen blockers and get off cycle. Because I missed two weeks do I still inject and take a estrogen blocker with it or stop the test and take the estrogen blocker for 8 weeks and then go back to test after that? I tried to look this stuff online but there not cut and dry on how to do it and doing it the right way. Thats why im here asking you experts what to do and your professional advice.
I havent talked to him because i cant get a hold of him! Lol! But because I missed two weeks of injection other people told me to not inject anymore test because I screwed up my cycle and start taking estrogen blockers and get off cycle. Because I missed two weeks do I still inject and take a estrogen blocker with it or stop the test and take the estrogen blocker for 8 weeks and then go back to test after that? I tried to look this stuff online but there not cut and dry on how to do it and doing it the right way. Thats why im here asking you experts what to do and your professional advice.

You have been on cycle for 5 months. That is too long to be on cycle. The longer you are using exogenous testosterone, the more difficult it can be to fully recover your natural testosterone production. You need to run PCT. Most guys only run cycles for 10-14 weeks.

Remember, Time On + post cycle therapy (pct) = Time Off.
Yeah, you've been on cycle for so long. You should try and see if you can recover your natural T production. How much gains did you make in those 5 months? Hope, it's worth it, because it's not gonna be pretty if you're HPTA is dead too.
Its hard to tell what my gains are because I lost body fat and gain muscle mass. My body weight would fluctuate between 5 pound gain and 5 pounds lost. I love the way im looking as far as physique and muscle strength. But i dont want to lose it so im going to start my post cycle therapy (pct) now. I found an article about it and what to do and what to take. Pretty much it says to do this:

Take clomid at 50mg twice a day (12hrs apart) for 30 days.
Take nolvadex at 20 mg a day for 45 days.
Take anywhere from 1000iu EOD to 2500 EOD for 8 shots (16 days).

I understand the first two items. but I dont know what he means by the third one. Is that pretty much a post cycle therapy (pct) cycle is?
I dont know what kind of 34 year old man takes an unknown substance from a stranger at the gym, injects it into his body with no knowledge of what it is, and doesnt even google that is on the label of the bottle. 10min with google and "test prop" you could have found out that it at least should be pinned every other day.
Aye, you're goin in the right direction. Do some research on PCT. It's all over the site and the internet. Peeps here like to help but don't expect to be spoon fed AAS 101