Beginner Dianabol only cycle - Advice


New member
I'm starting a dianabol only cycle, I have AS Labs 50mg tabs
I've also bought cycle support from iron labs.

It's my first ever cycle, what's the best routine?
How many mg dianabol daily? 2 x 25mg doses spread?
What's the best times to take Dbol and cycle support?
How long should I run my cycle for? I have nolvadex at hand for pct but what exactly should I be taking and at which point?
You need to read up. No one will advise a Dbol only cycle. No one will advise anything more then Test for a good first cycle.

If you di not know the answer to your own Q's you are no where near ready to cycle.

Sorry not to be rude but many will agree with me.

I suggest you start to read all the sticky posts found where you came in to start your own thread. Then get back with some more Q's.

Good Luck
Dbol and any other oral only cycles are no good. All steroids including orals shut down your natural test production. What this means is if you take dbol alone, you will be chemically castrating yourself while elevating your estrogen levels. You'll basically be a bloated bitch with tits and a limp dick.

You need to run test in every cycle. You need to replace your natural test that is shut down with exogenous test. If you have a needle phobia, steriods aren't for you bud. There's way more to it than popping some dbol. I suggest you give the ology faq's thread a read. It covers beginner cycles and everything else you must know. Please don't do oral cycles. There's been a shit load of these threads started recently. Go read through them also..
I'm starting a dianabol only cycle, I have AS Labs 50mg tabs
I've also bought cycle support from iron labs.

It's my first ever cycle, what's the best routine?
How many mg dianabol daily? 2 x 25mg doses spread?
What's the best times to take Dbol and cycle support?
How long should I run my cycle for? I have nolvadex at hand for pct but what exactly should I be taking and at which point?

Well I'm glad to see that you read all the stickies! Lol but yeah on a serious note bro you need to read the stickies and DO NOT run a oral cycle only. I know this sounds crazy to most beginners but it will shut down your natural testosterone production. I'm sure you can go ask some guys in your gym and they will say yeah sure you can do oral only but listen to the guys on this form that Have been doing this for years and have plenty of bloodwork to back up what we are talking about.
So no oral only cycles haha.

I have test to hand, so I guess to take the both together.

Forgetting what I shouldn't be doing what's the best routine? using test, dbol, liver support, and then when to introduce oct etc?

Yes indeed young and uninformed so any sort of step by step plan is appreciated.
So no oral only cycles haha.
I have test to hand, so I guess to take the both together.

Forgetting what I shouldn't be doing what's the best routine? using test, dbol, liver support, and then when to introduce oct etc?

Yes indeed young and uninformed so any sort of step by step plan is appreciated.

Read the stickies Dude! Test e I'm assuming? 500mg/week split into 2 pins. Dbol start around 30mg/day work up to 50, 20 pre workout is awesome. NACor Tudca for liver support. Aromasin or arimidex for estrogen control. Nolvadex + Clomid for pct, hcg on cycle if u want to keep ur nuts, all these details are in the stickies. And stick to pinning your glutes lol
OP I didn't see your stats:

Age, you say young HOW young

So when you are ready you need to layout your complete protocol for this cycle. Stats are important as to know your BF% and age. You are planning on Dbol and you really should save it but BF% will tell us more as to how this will effect you.

I'm starting a dianabol only cycle, I have AS Labs 50mg tabs
I've also bought cycle support from iron labs.

It's my first ever cycle, what's the best routine?
How many mg dianabol daily? 2 x 25mg doses spread?
What's the best times to take Dbol and cycle support?
How long should I run my cycle for? I have nolvadex at hand for pct but what exactly should I be taking and at which point?

Do not run dbol by itself. Period, you have to run test with it. you also need an anti estrogen on deck just in case you start getting nipple will lose all your gains if you do not run test with it. Sure you will be super strong, but you will piss out all your gains. You don't need alot man 300 mg test cyponate 200 mgs of deca Durabolin weekly, take 20 mgs of dbol broken up into two doses, one in the morning with breakfast one pre work out. You can take that dosage safely up to 10 weeks by that time your deca has fully kick in. You can do a 20 week cycle...Then take your PCT ...More is not always better all the old schoolers took low doses it all has to do with training hard and eating within your goals. Everyone will start chiming in and tell you to take 50 mgs per week, and you can but your side effects go up... What ever your goals are I meen you want to be a pro do what ever it takes but if your just a gym rat wanting to get big, that's the cycle for you...And when I did that I would eat a whole rotisserie chicken every night and a family size boil in a bag of rice...I gained 30 pounds in twenty weeks..But you can cut with this cycle to because the dbol is only in the beginning your gains get cleaned up with the test and deca at the end, it all depends on your goals and calorie intake. That's my piece, but please don't run an oral only, it's not good for you.
Right I'm now running:

Test E 1ml/300mg twice weekly each glute
Dbol 50mg daily once breakfast once preworkout

Iron labs cycle support for liver support

21 years old
5ft 10

What if any other specific supplements are needed and what/when to run pct etc.

Yup am indeed an amateur first cycle, completely new experience and I have read up as advised.
But it would be good to get a complete breakdown of routine, supplement (Inc names and dose and when to take during cycle) so I have this stuff to hand when necessary rather than reading up and getting it wrong.

I also live in the U.K.

Much appreciated.
600 test p/wk and 350 dbol p/wk, you're going to need some AI - and right away. Read the stickies for choices and dosages.
Right I'm now running:

Test E 1ml/300mg twice weekly each glute
Dbol 50mg daily once breakfast once preworkout

Iron labs cycle support for liver support

21 years old
5ft 10

What if any other specific supplements are needed and what/when to run pct etc.

Yup am indeed an amateur first cycle, completely new experience and I have read up as advised.
But it would be good to get a complete breakdown of routine, supplement (Inc names and dose and when to take during cycle) so I have this stuff to hand when necessary rather than reading up and getting it wrong.

I also live in the U.K.

Much appreciated.

Your break down for everything would be in the beginner cycle stickys. Did you not read them? You're asking to be spoon fed now. You need to learn not be told what to do...
first you know you are too young and can possibly fvck yourself for life doing steroids at your age. Are you willing to play Russian Roulette with your sex life? No matter how you run your cycle with PCT it is still as risk.

Ok you will do as you want. Really by your Q's it shows you know absolutely nothing about running steroids. No shame in that we ALL started somewhere. But it is necessary for you to know what you are doing.

Much to learn but like us you can learn. As was said read the sticky's and then ask us Q's
Estrogen , Progesterone and Prolactin. Aromatase inhibitors (AI) how to control Estrogen. Do you know how and where to inject... these are some things you need to know.

If you do Dbol at your age and knowledge of cycling you are going to fill up with water. Possibly get Gyno and not make sustainable gains. You cannot do Dbol by itself without Test, as you thread title says.

Listen do what we all told you. Put this off wait till you are older. Even with you knowing what you are doing and we don't like setting guys up to pull that trigger at your age.

You can ask us about what is written in the stickys and we might explain / answer the Q. Good luck
Right I'm now running:

Test E 1ml/300mg twice weekly each glute
Dbol 50mg daily once breakfast once preworkout

Iron labs cycle support for liver support

21 years old
5ft 10

What if any other specific supplements are needed and what/when to run pct etc.

Yup am indeed an amateur first cycle, completely new experience and I have read up as advised.
But it would be good to get a complete breakdown of routine, supplement (Inc names and dose and when to take during cycle) so I have this stuff to hand when necessary rather than reading up and getting it wrong.

I also live in the U.K.

Much appreciated.

do your own homework. what you just wrote sounds knuckleheadines.