[Beginner] My first Tren A / Sus 250 Cycle


New member
Hello guys , this is my first cycle of anabolic steroids.I will be doing this for approximatively 2 months and a half (10 weeks).

These are my stats :
Age : 19
Height : 196 cm
Weight : 79,5 kg
Gym experience : Close to none
Body fat : Pretty high , I don't really know , somewhere around 22-23 % ( Last year I was weighing around 105 kgs and managed to lose around 30 kg in 4 months with an extreme starvation diet )

This is what I spent my money on so far : Trenbolone acetate ( 200 mg / week ) , Sustanon 250 ( First 2 weeks 250 mg/week ,for the rest 500 mg/week) , Whey Protein and Creatine tablets (1000 mg) , milk thistle ( sillymarine 1000 mg) .

Injection schedule :
First 2 weeks -
Monday ( 100 mg tren a , 250 mg sus 250)
Thursday ( 100 mg tren a )
Rest of the cycle -
Monday&Thursday ( 100 mg tren a , 250 mg sust 250)

I'd like to receive help from pros , I currently want to build as much muscle mass as possible while losing body fat.

This is my training schedule :
Monday : Chest + Biceps
Tuesday : Back + Triceps
Wed: Abs + Legs
Thursday: off
Friday : Shoulders + Forearms
Saturday: off
Sunday : off

I also do around 15-20 minutes of cardio before weightlifting , I take 3 tabs of creatine 50-60 minutes before working out and 2 after. As soon as I leave the gym I drink a protein shake ( 2 cups + 400-500 ml of 3,5 fat milk ).

My diet consists of 4-5 chicken breasts / day , a salad and 1 shake of protein with milk ( 1 cup + 200-250 ml of milk ).As for drinking , water only.

2 weeks into the cycle I've gained 4,5 kg , currently at 84 kg and I feel incredible ,almost no muscular fever and I feel stronger than ever , my strength more than doubled and no visual increase in fat.

As for side effects : I have some trouble sleeping , occasional nightmares , and feeling a bit sensitive ( could be a placebo , don't know but I get really irritated some times and I do have tendencies to turn violent , keeping myself at bay for now ).

I will be honest , what I'm trying to achieve is no easy feat especially from where I am standing , I want to get to 9-11 % body fat and gain at the very least 10-12 kg of muscle.I'm not trying to achieve my goal with this cycle only , but I want to reach it as fast as humanly possible , therefore the reason why I am on this cycle even tough I am a beginner. I have done my research well and I am well aware of the risks I am taking and the damage I am doing to myself. I would like to get some feedback on my cycle , and I appreciate constructive criticism but if you're here to flame me ( bad jokes such as "adding rocket fuel to a lanwmore) please refrain.

As for PCT , I will be taking tamoxifen 1 month after the last sustanon injection.
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Wow! This is a recipe for disaster.

,No training experience?
High body fat?
1st cycle and using Tren?
Too young (19 years old)?
No aromatase inhibitor?
No dopamine agonist?
Pinning too infrequently?
Probably no blood work (per, mid and post cycle)?
No hCG?
No clomid?

Yep, everything is in place for a disaster.
Get yourself a dam AI and pct I made that mistake and it was a nightmare now i have gyno if your gonna half ass a cycle you might as well not even be on anything
So you eat 0 carbs? And you want to gain muscle? lol

And after reading each and every word of your post, if you are even in fact serious and not a troll, you are a hazard to yourself, you should rethink your approach to health and fitness, because theres nothing healthy with the way you've gone about and are going about 'losing fat' and 'gaining muscle'.
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Hello guys , this is my first cycle of anabolic steroids.I will be doing this for approximatively 2 months and a half (10 weeks).

These are my stats :
Age : 19
Height : 196 cm
Weight : 79,5 kg
Gym experience : Close to none
Body fat : Pretty high , I don't really know , somewhere around 22-23 % ( Last year I was weighing around 105 kgs and managed to lose around 30 kg in 4 months with an extreme starvation diet )

This is what I spent my money on so far : Trenbolone acetate ( 200 mg / week ) , Sustanon 250 ( First 2 weeks 250 mg/week ,for the rest 500 mg/week) , Whey Protein and Creatine tablets (1000 mg) , milk thistle ( sillymarine 1000 mg) .

Injection schedule :
First 2 weeks -
Monday ( 100 mg tren a , 250 mg sus 250)
Thursday ( 100 mg tren a )
Rest of the cycle -
Monday&Thursday ( 100 mg tren a , 250 mg sust 250)

I'd like to receive help from pros , I currently want to build as much muscle mass as possible while losing body fat.

This is my training schedule :
Monday : Chest + Biceps
Tuesday : Back + Triceps
Wed: Abs + Legs
Thursday: off
Friday : Shoulders + Forearms
Saturday: off
Sunday : off

I also do around 15-20 minutes of cardio before weightlifting , I take 3 tabs of creatine 50-60 minutes before working out and 2 after. As soon as I leave the gym I drink a protein shake ( 2 cups + 400-500 ml of 3,5 fat milk ).

My diet consists of 4-5 chicken breasts / day , a salad and 1 shake of protein with milk ( 1 cup + 200-250 ml of milk ).As for drinking , water only.

2 weeks into the cycle I've gained 4,5 kg , currently at 84 kg and I feel incredible ,almost no muscular fever and I feel stronger than ever , my strength more than doubled and no visual increase in fat.

As for side effects : I have some trouble sleeping , occasional nightmares , and feeling a bit sensitive ( could be a placebo , don't know but I get really irritated some times and I do have tendencies to turn violent , keeping myself at bay for now ).

I will be honest , what I'm trying to achieve is no easy feat especially from where I am standing , I want to get to 9-11 % body fat and gain at the very least 10-12 kg of muscle.I'm not trying to achieve my goal with this cycle only , but I want to reach it as fast as humanly possible , therefore the reason why I am on this cycle even tough I am a beginner. I have done my research well and I am well aware of the risks I am taking and the damage I am doing to myself. I would like to get some feedback on my cycle , and I appreciate constructive criticism but if you're here to flame me ( bad jokes such as "adding rocket fuel to a lanwmore) please refrain.

As for PCT , I will be taking tamoxifen 1 month after the last sustanon injection.

No you havent
I don't think tren is a Good idea for a beginner plus no AI bf to high and you are to young my brother all I can recommend you stay away from tren and keep a good diet to low your bf
Wow guys , slow down . Thank you for your fast replies , I didn't know I was doing so much wrong. I will try to get my hands on some AI as soon as possible. As for PCT this is what I was going to do : 18 days after the last sustanon injection ( day 1 clomid 250 mg + tamoxifen 60 mg , next 10 days clomid 100 mg + tamoxifen 40 mg , next 10 days clomid 50 mg + tamoxifen 20 mg ). Also I will add a lot more carbs into my diet and go for at least 45 minutes of cardio everytime I go to the gym to lower my bf ( was considering the use of clen aswell ) . What I've been doing so far is based on someone's recommendation that I know has been using steroids for a long time.I am not going to quit ! I have been working hard and busting my ass off at the gym , while I did mention I have little gym experience I was referring to smoething as 6-7 months. I'd like to avoid disaster if possible , what else should I be doing ?
You should be tossing out all your gear. Grow up, and do research for your self. Steroids is no quick fix. You have a bf % that is way to damn high to even think about running steroids. 6-7 months gym experience, bust your ass off for 3-4 years and then think about it. Lower your body. Learn a good diet and train naturally. Your 19 years old, no reason you can't do shit naturally. And to think you are going to jump right into tren, you would prob cut your cycle after 4 weeks. Learn your body, learn a new diet, and learn to train. You will be amazed what will happen once that's all in line