Beginner to AAS and need some insight


New member
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to get on here an describe fully what I am looking to do to my body but find out the proper steps without damaging my body.

I want to start taking Test E at 250mg to 400 mg max. I might just start with a low dose since I am pretty ripped as it is naturally. I am 212 pounds. 16.5% body fat. 6ft tall. Most people think I am on AAS or pro hormones and I am completely natural. I have low test my total test is 386 and I am 26 years old. So I want to take Test E but do it wisely.

My first question is when I start a 8 week cycle of test E do I need to take arimidex while I am on Test E to prevent gyno or should I just run Test E by itself and then get on clomid or nolvadex immediately for PCT. Is it really necessary to use a aromitize inhibitor while I am on Test E because I have seen many guys use Test E for 8 weeks solo then get on PCT because that extra estrogen buildup allows bigger gains and then is controlled during PCT. please give me some advice. I don't mind criticism just the truth. thank you guys.
how are you ripped with 16.5% body fat? maybe you are wrong about ur BF percentage.
2-300Mg a week is TRT so you won't be really getting any benefit..400-500 is an ideal to what a first timer should take. split into 2 shots a week. test e shouldn't be ran less then 10 weeks at least, if you wanna do a shorter cycle than look into test prop but in that case you would be pinning your self 3-4 times a week.
arimidex is a must , you don't wanna get gyno, do you?
welcome and fitguy2 is right about 16 percent not being ripped but any hoo

as said 4-500 x12-16 weeks is a cycle ALWAYS recommended for the first timers and having an ai ON HAND is a great idea so you can deploy if needed...short cycles and short esters make perfect sense.

100 mg a week of test e or c is a standard protocol for trt. I ve heard of 2-300 for some..especially ex bodybuilders like dpr who at 270 needs that to maintain a semblance of homeostasis

hcg ?
Pct ?
how are you ripped with 16.5% body fat? maybe you are wrong about ur BF percentage.
2-300Mg a week is TRT so you won't be really getting any benefit..400-500 is an ideal to what a first timer should take. split into 2 shots a week. test e shouldn't be ran less then 10 weeks at least, if you wanna do a shorter cycle than look into test prop but in that case you would be pinning your self 3-4 times a week.
arimidex is a must , you don't wanna get gyno, do you?

Yes, it is possible I am wrong. I used a LA fitness fat calculator. I look in the mirror and I can tell I'm at least at 12 percent. I am very vascular and have good size as well. I will most definitely use arimidex on cycle at .5 mg a day? then on PCT take clomid 50mg a day. that should be sufficient enough right? PLUS i will then take the 400 mg of test E. so do 2 shots per week. meaning using half the vile for the first shot and the other for the second shot of the week?
For PCT. I believe I will use 50 mg of clomid. Is clomid sufficient enough for PCT since I will be on armidex .5 a day while on gear?
perhaps this can help you get an idea of your bf.
start with 0.25mg of adex EOD and I'm sure once you start you will get the idea if you need to up the dose or not. i took 0.25 thru out my whole cycle and i was fine, very little water retention and had my e in control.
yeah you can do is take 1 ml of test on monday AM and take another 1 ml. it would add up to being 500mg a week, which is what everyone starts out with.

pct: clomid: 1st week 100mg/ 2nd week till 4th week 50mg ed Nolva: 40mg first week/20mg week2-4.

good luck brother and welcome to ology ;)

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thanks bro i really appreciate the insight. Yea I am anywhere from 12-15 percent. Kind of hard to tell. I could try to post a pic on here. I just want my libido to go through the roof and get really good gains. I will be using Test E to cut as well. I do Muay Thai and Jiujitsu so I will def cut with the diet that I currently have. I'll be lifting as well so I'll get some good size.
yeah you can use either one, they both do the trick just slightly different when it comes to sides, as iv heard.
order it from RUI ( the banners are everywhere eon this site) they carry it in liquid so its easier to dose it.
damn i just bought letro... i heard people getting their gains destroyed and sex drive because they take 2.5 mg everyday... lol i was told from a good forum on here to use letro at .6 mg. Every 3 days. JUST IN CASE. i don't think i can return it now.. il just have to let you guys know what happens.
i found liquid arimidex on RUI is that a good product?

most certainly. ive used it many times. start dosing it at .25mg eod and get bloodwork 4-8 weeks in and reevaluate. unless you start to get high/low e2 symptoms, then get blood work done sooner.
haha il be looking out for the bubblegum taste. from what i heard it tastes like a shot of vodka. we shall see. let the gains begin.