

Iron Man
gonna post it in this section because im sure it has something to do with what im eating...

k.. im a very light guy 150lbs as some of you make know..

i can somewhat see my abs, and i can see them ok when i flex..
but my stomach sticks out.. like colemans, but not as bad..

any ideas on how to fix this.. i want a flat stomach

My stomach does as well if I a relaxed, probably because it is always full!!!

If you eat a lot, your stomach will stick out, it happens to everyone that easts seriously!

Also, if you are 150lbs I bet your stomach isn't that big unless you are 4'8"
no no .. its not huge.. but i jsut notice that is sticks out lol makes me mad when i wear a beater or something and u can notice it in my shirt lol

im 5'7.. u think it could be a genetic thing? my dads got a belly lol
5'7" 150lbs, why are you wearing a beater? :D (just busting your balls)

Build up your chest and then it won't look like your stomach sticks out.

Or else, maybe you are pregnant!
lol .. i knew u were gonna say something about that :p
if i had it my way... id be walkin round nekkid... too hot here

yeah, i see what ur saying .. i think once i get my form right for chest, it will start growing better ..

thanks :D
Lots of hanging leg raises will tighten the abs even if you are bulking, When I am bulking my stomach gets thick but still muscular, when cutting my abs look leaner and more defined.
i have a real hard time doing leg raises... i seem to raise and go off to one side ... and i have a huge problem in symetry already that its not a good idea..

but i really do need to work my lower abdomen ..

i think with all the whole milk ur drinkin ur belly must be thick lol
Now that I am cutting I eliminate the whole milk completely and my abs are tightening up. When I am bulking I have a distended six pack, from all of the food and heavy squats, now that I am cutting I have eliminated the gallon of milk a day and work my abs a bit more and my abs are getting more defined and leaner.