Bernard Hopkins vs. Oscar De La Hoya !!!!!!


bob marley

I'm goin with Hopkins on this one. I was the only person that I knew that was picking Hopkins over Trinidad and I think we all know what happened in that fight. It has been a few years since that fight, but I feel that Hopkins still has it in him.

My Prediction: Hopkins Wins by TKO in the 10th round.
I too picked Hopkins over triniadad, I think Hopkins will win this one too. I think Oscar may have moved too far away from his element by putting on the extra weight, he also may have bit off more than he could chew by trying to fight Hopkins so quickly
bigdaddy22 said:
I too picked Hopkins over triniadad, I think Hopkins will win this one too. I think Oscar may have moved too far away from his element by putting on the extra weight, he also may have bit off more than he could chew by trying to fight Hopkins so quickly

Man I can't wait for this fight. It's on my birthday so that will be a good way to celebrate.
closer than you think

I think that hopkins will win also. But, I do not believe that Bernard
has the power toko De la hoya. Hopkins is not a great puncher and he does'nt have a stiff jab like Felix Sturm used against Oscar. These guys are great pugilist and win by KO when they wear the other fighter down. Bernard did take out Trinidad but most also remember that Oscar gave Trinidad a boxing lesson and out landed him by 130 total punches(compubox #s). Trinidad got the decision but he is a Don King fighter. I watched the fight again this weekend and I gave Oscar 6 straight rounds from 1-6 and then 2 others late. I also ordered the felix sturm fight and had felix winning on my card by 1 point. I could have even lived with a draw but a de la hoya win? no way!

This should be a good technical match up. Hopkins wins a decision 8 rounds to 4.
I saw hopkins last weekend coming out of Whole foods, I had no idea he lived near me. Cool guy, and I still have to beleive he wins this fight fairly easily. i really think Oscar may have bit off more than he can chew
oscar shouldve packed it in long ago, around the time he threw everything away for that girl, and his singing career? you can never go back, like when cus died on tyson
have to give the man props for fighting out of his class and standing toe to toe with a powerpuncher to boot, the last thing an old boxer loses is his punch
bob marley said:
I'm goin with Hopkins on this one. I was the only person that I knew that was picking Hopkins over Trinidad and I think we all know what happened in that fight. It has been a few years since that fight, but I feel that Hopkins still has it in him.

My Prediction: Hopkins Wins by TKO in the 10th round.

Man I was close.