Best compounds for athleticism?


New member
I'm not a bodybuilder and I'm more interested in the athleticism benefits. Aside from testosterone (which would always be a base,) what compounds are more useful for athletes?

Goals are mainly strength endurance and speed/explosiveness. I do a mix of powerlifting and conditioning basically but I keep my rest periods shorter than traditional strength training.

Just looking to see what compounds I should research more closely. Thanks!
Eq, anavar, decca, masteron, primobolan, halotestin, d bol, all of those drugs could help somebody in sports. If I wasn't in a drug tested sport I'd probably use testosterone, decca and halotestin. I feel like that drug combination would be my personal choice.
Welcome to the boards!
Eq, anavar, decca, masteron, primobolan, halotestin, d bol, all of those drugs could help somebody in sports. If I wasn't in a drug tested sport I'd probably use testosterone, decca and halotestin. I feel like that drug combination would be my personal choice.

I was going to start out with just test e or test p for 12 weeks at 500mg/week. I was leaning towards test E since I'd only have to pin 2x a week. Does that sound like a reasonable dose? I'm worried about sides, most notably hair loss which I haven't experienced yet aside from possibly some very mild temple receding at 30 years old with 700 test naturally, so I'm not adding any yet but thought I'd start researching ahead of time.

I was leaning towards anavar if I chose to add one in a 2nd cycle but had two concerns: The first being the fact that I've heard UGL anavar is not very good, and the second being the potential painful back and calve pumps. Any thoughts on that?

As for halotestin, it sounds like it may be a bit risky in terms of sides. Deca has sexual side effects I've read about that worry me but the joint benefits seem good. I really don't know though which is why I'm asking to look into it further. Thanks for the reply.
If you want to increase your power lifting abilities more so than athletic abilities I would probably lean towards adding in d bol. You want your first cycle to be test only though just to test the waters so to speak.

Power lifting and speed/endurance ? Quite dicotimus goals where a compromise will be needed. This is like a cross fit approach or a catholic and a jewish couple marrying. Neither compliment the other but I think it s cool your doing it.