Best cycle for me if I have all of these


New member
I am 25 y/o , 5"3' tall, 110lb weight. I am really skinny despite working out for 5 months last year i only gained 4.4 pounds. anyone who see me think i am still in high school or a teenager. I did all types of of tests "thyroid, testosterone, blood test, HB" all was normal so I guess this is not related to a medical issue.

I have been working out for the past two months and I am thinking of doing a test cycle just to get in shape since i am having a really hard time getting gains even when staying full and never hungry for the entire day.
I dont want to be the Hulk I dont want to get huge gains, if I can get my weight up to 132 or 143 pounds "my perfect weight to lengh" Thats just enough for me

I have armidex, sustanon 250, deca, nolvadex and clomid.
for protein shake i have Serious Mass by "ON"
P.S. I read alot about deca and I think it is not for a starter like me.

So what should my cycle look like :
Please read the beginers cycle sticky thread at the top of the forum. that will answer your question as to how to do a proper first cycle, hold on to your gear until your ready.
what is your diet like now? a protein shake just wont cut it, you need to eat more, period. dont forget that whatever gains you get in your first cycle you will have to keep eating a higher ration of food to keep your gains.
You don't need a cycle right now. You need help with diet. Look into getting a diet coach if you can't figure things out on your own. Steroids will do you no good without the proper food intake.
Throw away or sell the protein shakes. Eat and EAT BIG. Also, your longest stretch in a gym is 5 months? If this is true then get rid of the gear it's not for what you want. You will hold ZERO gains off of steroids or natural training if you don't EAT huge and lift regularly. By regularly I mean almost every day. You have a lot of natural muscle to gain before you drug yourself. Hormones are risky at best and a last resort. If you insist on doing it anyway then please read the first cycle sticky and remember.......whatever your doing wrong the steroids will greatly amplify, just like whatever you do right.
I know this isn't what you wanted to hear. I'm sorry.

The good news is....if you cycle and EAT and workout correctly then you will get great results. Probably more than you are asking for. But I would learn to eat and workout first. Would be a shame to waste the gear and your health on a failed cycle.
Good luck bro. I hope whatever you decide works wonders
whats your diet look like brother?? 110lbs at 5'3 is small.. and that tells me you dont eat enough to grow..
This guy isn't coming back. He worked out for 5 months. Posting on forums takes too much dedication. He doesn't want to be the hulk?!?!?!? Something tells me that's not an issue
Hello guys.. I'm sorry for late reply but I wasn't home.. but really grateful for the advices I was reading them but no time to reply.. I started modifying my diet and I am noticing some changes.. but the changes just to the shape I am making no progress on weight.. I started lifting heavier weights .. for the steroid I seen a lot of adverse effects and I am a bit worried. So for now I'm gonna pass using them unless I get my maximum gains from diet and workouts..
Hello guys.. I'm sorry for late reply but I wasn't home.. but really grateful for the advices I was reading them but no time to reply.. I started modifying my diet and I am noticing some changes.. but the changes just to the shape I am making no progress on weight.. I started lifting heavier weights .. for the steroid I seen a lot of adverse effects and I am a bit worried. So for now I'm gonna pass using them unless I get my maximum gains from diet and workouts..

what adverse effects are you experiencing from the steroids?
Peanutbutter sandwiches bro. If you ain't gaining add a PB sandwich with 4 tablespoons of peanut butter. Unless you're allergic of course. A cheap store brand sandwich wheat bread and 5 tblspns of peanutbutter is roughly 570 calories.

It's far from great dieting but it's fat, carbs and protien all in one. Like my avi shows I'm skinny and lean. It's the cheapest and best "weight gainer" I've ever tried.

I also eat oatmeal (not instant), 1-2 tblspns butter and some brown sugar.

Eat more calories. If you're not gaining you're not eating enough and Ibsay that as a scrawny dude who "can't gain". Fat or muscle mass the scale needs to be going up slowly but surely.
Have you tried one of the Diet Tracking Apps.

Most are Free, and can be used on your Computer or Smartphone.

They Track ~ Overall Calories/Carbs/Fat/Protein/Water Intake........................... JP
If you aren't Tracking your Diet, then you have No Idea if you are Eating enough to Gain Weight.
This guy isn't coming back. He worked out for 5 months. Posting on forums takes too much dedication. He doesn't want to be the hulk?!?!?!? Something tells me that's not an issue

Im guessing he will be back, but it will be in the trt forum, its just a matter of time.
Have you made any gains these last two weeks since your last post op?