Best Dymethazine product?


New member
Hi, what are you guy's opinion on the best current legal Dymethazine (superdrol clone) thats still available on the market? I currently weigh around 190 lbs at 5 foot 8.5 in at about 13%-15% bodyfat. trying to get to the 200 lb mark without retaining to much water. My past cycles included epistane and helladrol. Let me know what are your opinions on the best dymethazine product, personal experiences and results would be cool too! Thanks
SDMZ 2.0 is pretty good. I put on about 15 lbs in 4 weeks and at least look as lean as I did before. Obviously the majority of that weight is not lean mass though.
There is no such thing as a "best" dymethazine product. As long as the active ingredients are the same you will have the same dose. Also known as the product is correctly dosed. 5 mg of any drug = 5 mg of any drug.
No it's not. It is available through Blackstone Labs, and Orbit (one of the sponsors here) sells it as well. I literally just finished a cycle.
If you were on ironmaglabs, then yes... they no longer make it. Same formula is still available at said companies. I tried to link it, but the mods said no.