Best fat burner


New member
Im looking for the best fat burner I can get my hands on.

Basically, I have by early feb. to drop 10-15lbs.

I have a decent diet and a great program, but looks like im going to need a little help, anyone have any opinions or ideas?

How early feb...That might be to much weight to drop. 2 lb / week MAX is what i recommend. As for fat burner, I like "Jacked", chad nicholls produces it. Clenbuterol is also solid. Things you can get from GNC i would go with Hydroxcut
hmm that is an awful lot of weight to try and drop so fast.
I just stick to a basic EC stack (ephedrine/caffiene)
what sort of diet are u following? or what does it look like.. that plays a MAJOR key in fat loss.
I dont have the sheet I was given, but im eating lots of white meat, a few veg. lots of cranberry juice, tuna etc...

Ill try and find it later, I just started it mon.
Why do you need to lose the weight so fast?
I like the ECA stack for fat loss and if you have access to some Yohimbine, you could add that into the mix as well.
It is a strong stack, but it works.:)
If you want to try Clenbuterol, you could do two weeks on and two weeks off with that. And on your off weeks, go with the ECA stack.
I think we need to revisit the advice here, seeing as how the most popular answer to this question will soon be unavailable (I STILL can't fucking believe that). Probably a more appropriate question would be: what's the SECOND best fat burner available? I'm a little hinckey on the ephedra-free products.
This is great, ill most likely be picking up some clen. this week, but its so damn $$$

Im going to look into the Yohimbine.

I was told the cranberry juice will basically clean my body out of toxxins and make it easier to lose weight and build more muscle.
Id cut out the cranberry juice and all other fruit juices when cutting. too many sugars(fructose).
Im interested in seeing the rest of your diet plan.
i have used Yellow Subs and i dropped weight quick
plus i was running 1 hr every day

there gonna be taking these of the shelf very soon because they have ephedrine/caffiene in them
Just because ephedra is not gonna be sold in the US does not neccesarily mean it will not be available. We do have the internet afterall
wow... your about 3 weeks away now any progress dude? thast kinda lotta weight, especially if you wanna drop it healthily... haha... healthily-is that a word? anyway- you could alays just puke your food up, or dont eat, or start bumping crystal meth a couple times a day and only sleep on the weekends!
nabiller said:
wow... your about 3 weeks away now any progress dude? thast kinda lotta weight, especially if you wanna drop it healthily... haha... healthily-is that a word? anyway- you could alays just puke your food up, or dont eat, or start bumping crystal meth a couple times a day and only sleep on the weekends!


One of the best I've used is NYC (if you can get it- it contains yohimbine)...otherwise, E/C is as good as it gets, aside from maybe clen!

Actually ive been going hardcore on cardio and im on a new training program and have lost 4 lbs naturally since my first post.

Things are looking good.
thanks for the replies.:)