Best option for my pct??


Livin' the dream....
Wrapping up my 15 week test/deca cycle. Next week will be my last test shot. It will be 2 weeks since my last deca shot.

I have been running hcg 300iu eod for the past three weeks. That being said. What would be the quickest post cycle therapy (pct) recovery?

I have armidex, hcg, nolvadex, clomid.

What would be the best option using these? Thanks guys. Just looking to tweek the pct.
intrinsic1 said:
Wrapping up my 15 week test/deca cycle. Next week will be my last test shot. It will be 2 weeks since my last deca shot.

I have been running hcg 300iu eod for the past three weeks. That being said. What would be the quickest post cycle therapy (pct) recovery?

I have armidex, hcg, nolvadex, clomid.

What would be the best option using these? Thanks guys. Just looking to tweek the pct.

what's up intrinsic. as i told u before i'll be starting this cycle anyday now. i have hcg,nolvadex,aifm on hand as of now but been advised not to run nolvadex because of the deca but should have cabaser on hand. hope more chime in as i will find the info useful. cycle?so far so good?
Don't run Adex Post cycle, though it has been shown to help produce testosterone it also will drive estrogen very low, damaging even further your already damaged lipid profile. Stop taking HCG with your last shot of test also. post cycle therapy (pct) should just consist of Nolva, Clomid or Both.

If it's Test E/C wait 2 weeks until your start PCT. post cycle therapy (pct) would look like this:

Weeks 1,2 - Nolva @ 40mg ED, Clomid @ 100mg ED
Weeks 3,4 - Nolva @ 20mg ED, Clomid @ 50mg ED
Weeks 5-? - Continue with weeks 3-4 if you feel you need it. Get tested if you want to be sure.
what's up intrinsic. as i told u before i'll be starting this cycle anyday now. i have hcg,nolvadex,aifm on hand as of now but been advised not to run nolvadex because of the deca but should have cabaser on hand. hope more chime in as i will find the info useful. cycle?so far so good?
Agreed nolva/deca bad combo 'while you are on' nolva can increse prolactin gyno effects. Its ok 2 weeks after last deca shot according to my research. good luck with the cycle.
24 pounds, bigger than ever. Loved the test/deca stack. Sad it's over, wanna keep as much gains as possible. Can't wait for the next one. Also, it was my first British Dragon gear cycle. Really enjoyed the comfort of their product. Smooth as silk. I'm stocking up for the next 2 cycles....

Thanks for askin' Now I just gotta shed about 10 pounds of body fat, I want my 6 pack back! lol
week 1-6 nolva @20mg ed
week 1-6 aromasin@10mg ed or adex @1mg ed
weeks 1-3 hcg@500-750ius eod
starting 1 weeks after last jab
run hcg 250iu ED for the week after your lest injection. Aftter the foloowing week run clomid and you could stack nolva on to it but IME clomidis far superior for recovery.

If deca impacted your sex drive cabergoline will help.

Buy b5 and run that with your post cycle therapy (pct) it helps in producing sex hormones and will keep your skin clear. I didn't vreak out at all on my 1st cycle but did during PCT>