Best post cycle therapy (pct) Tren/Anavar


New member
Best PCT Tren/Anavar

Need advise. Im running 2cc of Tren a week for 8 weeks. Anavar 1 week on 1 week off. What should be my post cycle therapy (pct). Thanks guys & gals. Any advise is much appreciated. Any diet tips would help for my stats.


10% body fat
shitty cycle

anyways i assume you run tren a standard clomid/nolva pct 3 days after you're done unless you run tren e than 2 weeks after last shot

next time do some research b4 running some random shitty cycle without the basic knowledge of aas and pct
1. How old are you?
2. Where is the test?
3. Why would you do anavar one week week off? doesn't make sense. I think anavar should be done at LEAST 6 weeks at the least 50mg per day.
4. If you still want to fuck your girl on tren you better run test....research fina sides....
Don't you think it would of been a better idea to have your PCT locked on before you started your cycle?
Do people really run such cycles? :nono:I hope he has caber or prami for possible prolactin issues. What is cycling Anavar going to do that Tren isn't? What restore cardio output?:smash: Run a test only cycle you'll wish you did in the long run. At the very least add test with the Tren & drop the Anavar.
shity cycle

shitty cycle

anyways i assume you run tren a standard clomid/nolva pct 3 days after you're done unless you run tren e than 2 weeks after last shot

next time do some research b4 running some random shitty cycle without the basic knowledge of aas and pct

I did research but everyone has different cycles. This is my first cycle (what a waist) thanks.

1. How old are you?
2. Where is the test?
3. Why would you do anavar one week week off? doesn't make sense. I think anavar should be done at LEAST 6 weeks at the least 50mg per day.
4. If you still want to fuck your girl on tren you better run test....research fina sides....

1. Im 27
2. Know i know
3. That's what bad resources told me.
4. What is Fina or did you mean final.

Boss brain
Don't you think it would of been a better idea to have your PCT locked on before you started your cycle?

Can you tell i was misinformed :dunno:

Do people really run such cycles? I hope he has caber or prami for possible prolactin issues. What is cycling Anavar going to do that Tren isn't? What restore cardio output? Run a test only cycle you'll wish you did in the long run. At the very least add test with the Tren & drop the Anavar


What would you recommend for my 2nd cycle the right cycle. How long before i can do the 2nd cycle. thanks
better cycle

Should i Just run 4 blend test 250 mg with arimadex along with Nolvadex as my post cycle therapy (pct). Thanks all for the wake up call