Best time to test blood to catch LOW score?


New member
I am a little confused by what I have read. I thought that if you pin every 3 days with cypionate, after a month or so, you achieve stable levels that don't really fluctuate anymore. On the other hand, I read a lot of people talking about timing blood draws to try to be at Peak levels.

So, is it true that you still get peaks and valleys even when you pin every 3 days? If so, when are they?
You will still get peaks and lows but it's not fluctuating wildly like if you were to inject once every 2 weeks. Injecting once every 3.5 days should result in no dramatic mentally noticable peak or low. I notice more of a difference depending on if I have my estrogen in range so I try to stay on top of that.
The peak for me is the day after injection and the "trough" or low point is the day day im due for my next injection before I have injected.
The peak for me is the day after injection and the "trough" or low point is the day day im due for my next injection before I have injected.

This^^^^^ but really guys you make to big a deal. It is real however mostly in your head.
Thinking about levels like mine when I cycle > 10,000 ng/dL how much do you think you level is really noticable when we do "E" and "C " test.

Back in my day we just did once a week injection with the long esters. No problems.
Lol im thinking of switching my trt shot to once a week. I've heard it can cause an emotional roller coaster effect but if its not to bad it might be worth saving my body from the extra scar tissue. Whats your oppinion muscle mike on once a week trt vs twice a week shots?
The reason I am asking I guess is on another forum I got badly flamed when I mentioned my blood work results. I was told that I must have drawn blood at the wrong time. I am a newbie, but from what you guys are saying, when I have been pinning the same dose for several months, the level should be the same almost any time I do it right?